Mercato: ASSE has found its striker for next season?

Mercato: ASSE has found its striker for next season?
Mercato: ASSE has found its striker for next season?

Foot – Market – ASSE

Mercato: ASSE has found its striker for next season?

Published on June 28, 2024 at 11:30 a.m.

With a Master’s degree in international law, I realized at the end of my university studies that it was important to work in a field that you enjoy. Overnight, I decided to put an end to my parents’ dream of me becoming a future lawyer, to live my passion: sports. Since then, I have been covering transfer windows and sports news, trying to inform readers as best I can.

ASSE does not let go of Irvin Cardona. Loaned last season by Augsburg, the French striker, author of eight goals in Ligue 2 last season, is in negotiations with the Saint-Etienne team. Discussions would focus on transfer compensation. Alongside this burning issue, the Greens wish to extend Aïmen Moueffek’s contract.

With a heavy heart, Irvin Cardona had said goodbye to ASSE after the victory of the climb against the FC Metz. « It’s time for me to thank you for these six exceptional months. I had an incredible season, full of emotions. We fought from start to finish, and I enjoyed every moment thanks to this incredible public. I will keep wonderful memories of this period. I also want to thank all the staff and my teammates for their support and camaraderie. » confided the striker, on loan from Augsburg last season.

ASSE insists on Cardona

A few days ago, theTeam announced that theASSE had started looking for a replacement. But this Friday, But Football Club announces that the file Cardona was not abandoned. Discussions would always be in club between the different parties. The Saint-Etienne club and Augsburg would discuss the amount of the transfer fee. His salary, estimated at €100,000, remains substantial, even if theASSE has recently been able to rely on powerful investors (the club was sold to the Canadian group Kilmer Sports Ventures).

The Greens are reaching their goal on another issue

Still in the direction of arrivals, theASSE would be about to welcome Younes Abdelhamid and Ben Old, a 21-year-old New Zealand striker. At the same time, the Greens are working on extendingAimen Moueffek. The Moroccan midfielder’s entourage and the team reportedly resumed discussions a few days ago and are close to an agreement. Things are moving in all directions at theASSE.



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