At what time are the results of the legislative elections known?

The first round of early legislative elections takes place this Sunday, June 30, 2024. The French have until 6 p.m. or 8 p.m. to vote, but at what time will the first results be released?

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Since 8am this morning, the French have been flocking to the polling stations and taking turns to participate in the legislative elections. As the day goes on, the ballot boxes fill up and the anticipation for the outcome increases, but we still have to wait before knowing the result of this first round. For the earliest risers among them, the wait is long because they will only know late if their candidate will remain in the second round.

As with every election, polling stations commonly close between 6 and 7 p.m., but in some large cities it is possible to vote until 8 p.m. The first results will be announced at this same time. They will be based on the first counts and will therefore not correspond to the final results, which should arrive much later in the evening. This partial but entirely reliable estimate will indeed be refined throughout the count by the Ministry of the Interior, which supervises elections in France. A count that could prove particularly long for this election due to the expected higher turnout for these legislative elections than usual. The results of this first round of the legislative elections will be available as soon as they are published on Linternaute in a major live broadcast dedicated to the legislative elections.

Results available before 8 p.m.?

The results of the first estimates are given by the media, including Linternaute, at 8 p.m. If the French media do not publish any results before 8 p.m., first estimates on the result of the legislative elections will be made as soon as the first polling stations close at 6 p.m., still thanks to the partial results from the start of the count. But other trends known as “exits from the polls” are also disseminated by polling institutes which question voters as they leave the polling stations. These estimates, which cannot be disseminated in France, are published by foreign media, which are not required to comply with French law. Trends on the results of the legislative elections could therefore appear before the time in the media of neighboring countries or on the social networks of these same media, especially since this election is particularly inspected by several European countries.

When will the final results of the legislative elections be known?

The results of the legislative elections will be refined throughout the evening as the counting progresses. At the end of the evening, the results should be strongly consolidated even if provisional after the counting of more than 90% of the ballots. The final results could be made official during the day of Monday July 1. It is truly at this moment that the French will know the candidates from their constituency who go to the second round, which is held the following Sunday, July 7.



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