Seysses. What name for the third school group?

Seysses. What name for the third school group?
Seysses. What name for the third school group?

the essential
As part of participatory democracy, the town hall invited CM1, CM2 and CE2 students from the two public schools Paul-Langevin and Flora-Tristan to reflect on the name of the third school group under construction.

Gathered in the village hall, nearly 300 children, accompanied by their teachers, went to meet the city councillors, Mayor Jérôme Bouteloup and elected officials Malika Bensouici, Philippe Stremler, Marie-Ange Koffel, Magali Gransimon and Françoise Barriere. The children's objective was to defend the name of a personality through an anthology of video presentation and a retro production in the form of paintings and collages which revealed a portrait, as well as the presentation by students at the microphone, in order to justify their choice .

This idea is a way of including children in a participatory approach, of exchange and sharing on names that carry values ​​and to take ownership of this new school by helping to define the name. “The result is very encouraging, the little Seyssois are very creative and the approach supported by the educational teams is great proof of inclusion,” declares Malika Bensouici.

Five names revealed

The next step, each school will decide by November 30 and the members of the commission will also have to position themselves. Five names have been revealed: Jean Zay, Robert Badinter, Joséphine Baker, Claire Roman and Olympe de Gouges.

The exchange enriched this meeting with some interviews with around ten children volunteers by the mayor. Everyone received congratulations from the mayor and Philippe Stremler, deputy for school affairs, for this very good restitution of the work carried out by the children in class.

The commission will analyze all the debates and the name will be submitted to the municipal council in December. The school group will open its doors at the start of the school year in September 2025.



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