First debate of the campaign goes badly for Biden against Trump

First debate of the campaign goes badly for Biden against Trump
First debate of the campaign goes badly for Biden against Trump

The results of their first face-to-face meeting of the campaign Thursday evening in Atlanta in the CNN studios did not turn to the Democrat’s advantage.

From our correspondent in Washington,

His voice raspy, blinking, Biden remained on the defensive, sometimes looking disoriented and stammering. Facing him, confident, articulating his sentences, often mocking, but relatively controlled, Trump launched his attacks almost with impunity. The ninety minutes of the televised debate sometimes saw the Democratic president recover, and Trump get stuck. But the results of their first face-to-face meeting of the campaign Thursday evening in Atlanta in the CNN studios did not turn to Biden’s advantage. Instead of convincing an electorate already skeptical about his physical fitness and mental acuity, the Democratic president’s performance instead confirmed the general impression: that he no longer has the capacity to hold the presidential office for four more years.

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