Microsoft suspends this Windows 11 update, it restarts the PC repeatedly

Microsoft suspends this Windows 11 update, it restarts the PC repeatedly
Microsoft suspends this Windows 11 update, it restarts the PC repeatedly

And here we go again with a Windows 11 update that crashes computers. After realizing that one of them was rendering PCs unusable, Microsoft decided to suspend its deployment.

Credits: 123RF

Will you recover a little bug following a Windows 11 update? Or have you had too much lately? We understand you. It’s true that at the moment, the problems with Microsoft’s operating system are having quite serious consequences. Users therefore have every reason to be worried when they see the icon appearing asking them to restart their PC to update it. This time, it’s the KB5039302 who is in question.

On paper, however, it is interesting since it adds several features to Windows 11. For example the possibility of compress files in 7-Zip or TAR format directly from the context menu (right click > Compress to). The update also brings back the button to change desktop to the default taskbar. Unfortunately, it is also capable of rendering your machine useless.

This Windows 11 update can make your PC completely unusable

After installing the updates released on June 26, 2024 (KB5039302), some devices may fail to boot. Affected systems may reboot repeatedly and require recovery operations to restore normal use. This issue is more likely to affect devices using VM tools and nested virtualization features, such as CloudPC, DevBox, Azure Virtual Desktop“, explains Microsoft.

Also Read – This annoying Windows 11 bug has been going on for weeks and Microsoft is just starting to pay attention to it

Consequently, the firm suspends the deployment of the update time to understand what is causing the bug and resolve it. In theory, the latter should not affect many holders of the Home version of Windows 11 given that they are less likely to use virtualization tools. But if this is your case, it is safer not to install the KB5039302 update for the moment, especially sincethere is no known way to work around the problem.



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