Legislative elections 2024: Who is Estelle Youssoufa, the outgoing MP for constituency 1?

Legislative elections 2024: Who is Estelle Youssoufa, the outgoing MP for constituency 1?
Legislative elections 2024: Who is Estelle Youssoufa, the outgoing MP for constituency 1?

Estelle Youssouffa running under the various right label but without political inauguration.

Born July 31, 1978, Estelle Youssouffa studied journalism in Tours before going to study Political Science and International Relations in Canada. In Mayotte she is better known as a Mahorese journalist working nationally and internationally.

She distinguished herself on the Mahoran scene when she joined the population’s fight against insecurity and illegal immigration in 2018 with the collectives. She becomes the president of the Mayotte collective law 1901 which marks the split of the collective into two entities, the other being chaired by Safina Soula.

In 2021, after her multiple positions in the local and national media to denounce insecurity and illegal immigration in Mayotte, she decided to run for the legislative elections, with the support of the Mahorais. Elections that she won in the second round with nearly 67% of the votes against businessman Théophane Narayanin.

In the National Assembly, Estelle Youssouffa sits with the LIOT group, Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories. She carried out significant lobbying work both nationally and internationally, which took her to New York to the United Nations premises to denounce the attitude of the Comoros towards Mayotte.

During his mandate, Mayotte experienced the movement of active forces. With blockades that paralyzed the island for 40 days, demanding security.

In response to the anger of the population, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, Gérald Darmanin announces a constitutional bill to abolish land law and the end of territorialized residence permits in the Mayotte Law.

Estelle Youssouffa and the other elected officials then carried out work of persuasion, work stopped by the dissolution of the National Assembly…

Will she be able to go all the way? The answer will come from the ballot box.



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