Pilot Narine Melkumjan only remembered the negative from this terrifying flight, the video of which she shared

Pilot Narine Melkumjan only remembered the negative from this terrifying flight, the video of which she shared
Pilot Narine Melkumjan only remembered the negative from this terrifying flight, the video of which she shared
Instagram screenshot In this particularly impressive video, pilot Narine Melkumjan shares footage of her flight with the canopy open.

Instagram screenshot

In this particularly impressive video, pilot Narine Melkumjan shares footage of her flight with the canopy open.

AVIATION – Share your mistake to prevent others from making it. Narine Melkumjan, a Dutch aerobatic pilot, shared a particularly frightening video on her social networks, where she usually posts extracts from these aerial experiences.

This video is about his “ second aerobatic training flight aboard an Extra 330LX aircraft », where everything didn’t go exactly as planned. The opportunity for her to do some teaching to prevent her mistake from happening again with other acrobats.

During this famous theft dating back several years, she recounts, with supporting video, that “ The canopy » of his plane «sis open in flight ”, after a few minutes in the air. From the outset, she indicates that this error could have been avoided if she had “ carried out an appropriate visual check before taking off ».

And as you can see in the video belowthis small error concerning a simple “ canopy locking pin » which is not « never entered locked position “caused particularly impressive damage to him.” I didn’t notice it during my checks », she admits in a long text which accompanies her video.

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In fact, it evokes a ” distressing experience, filled with noise, difficulty breathing and reduced visibility “. Worse still, she claims that “ the hardest part was probably maintaining power » of the device, exchanging his vision and breathing for the sole sensation of the kinetic energy of his device.

She then confides having waited near “ 28 hours to find » normal vision. Enough to provide initial advice to budding pilots: “ flying without eye protection made flying even more difficult than it already was ».

” Caution “

Also bothered by the loud noise, Narine Melkumjan says the only thing she could hear on her radio was her coach’s voice. But the only sentence she was able to hear properly was ” keep flying “. What she did, not without difficulty.

Last confession and not the least to share his testimony without secrecy: “ I also made the mistake of going to training camp right after recovering from Covid-19, without giving my body enough time to fully regain its strength “. One more mistake during his apprenticeship that forces him today to share this video.

A way for her that her “ story serves as a warning ». « I regret having taken so long to share this video footage. It’s not easy to admit my vulnerabilities in front of the whole world », she adds at the conclusion of her text which recalls the importance of taking into account its “ gaps » and lessons learned « along the way ».

Although her flight ended well, she sent a final message of caution to other fans of this aerial discipline: ” To all my fellow pilots, fly safely “. The lesson has now been learned.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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