With finances in the red, is the Tour de Martinique des Yoles Rondes under threat?

With finances in the red, is the Tour de Martinique des Yoles Rondes under threat?
With finances in the red, is the Tour de Martinique des Yoles Rondes under threat?

The crates are empty. According to our information, the debt of the Martinique Round Yole Federation (FYRM) approaches 800 000 euros. A catastrophic situation which led the auditor to alert the leaders about the future of the Federation.

First consequence: the Martinique Cupwhich was to take place on Sunday at Vauclin, is “postponed”.

For the moment, the reasons why MYRM sank are not made public. But, since the election of the new board of directors last April, its president and her elected officials have continued to look for solutions to avoid this financial desalination.

A emergency meeting takes place this evening (Wednesday June 26) between the associations at the Maison des Sports de la Pointe de la Virginie, in Fort-de-France.

The 38th Round in questions

The feasibility or not of the 38th edition of the Tour de Martinique des Yoles Rondes will be at the center of discussions between the presidents and the 16 associations, but also their bosses and the various representatives at the FYR.

The cancellation of the tour is unimaginable for some. But the yoleurs will once again have to accept necessary financial sacrifices.

Certainly, the help of 350,000 euros from the Territorial Collectivity of Martinique is a first step but still seems insufficient to achieve a Tour costing almost1 million d’euros.

Today, it is the identity of the demonstration that is at stake.

The Federation, for its part, seems to be heading towards a legal redress to settle its liabilities or, in the worst case scenario, towards a judicial liquidation.



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