One in five children do not eat three meals a day in , warns Unicef

One in five children do not eat three meals a day in , warns Unicef
One in five children do not eat three meals a day in France, warns Unicef

Furthermore, 16.2% of young people questioned say they are faced with material deprivations, 25.7% to deprivation of access to knowledge. 44.4% consider themselves deprived of sporting activities and 66.7% of cultural activities. Deprivations which generate “a profound feeling of exclusion”, notes the investigation.

Concerning the violence. 31.1% of children and adolescents surveyed have already experienced teasing, insults or verbal violence. And 30% have already been physically injured, hit or suffered unwanted touching by other children (13.1% by adults). Finally, 11% say they have been confronted with forms of social rejection, marked by a denial of recognition and a feeling of not counting for society.

Unsurprisingly, the children most affected are those accommodated outside their family home, those living in city policy neighborhoods or those who live in a single-parent family.

Worrying figures that push Adeline Hazan, president of Unicef ​​, to sound the alarm “It is urgent to take stock of the deprivations these children and young people suffer. Their exclusion is not only due to material shortages: it is also the consequence of insufficient access to opportunities for development cultural and social, as well as the lack of recognition of which they are victims. »



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