how La France insoumise seduced the neighborhoods

Franco-Palestinian candidate Rima Hassan and Dalale Belhout, on Manon Aubry’s list for the 2024 European elections, take part in a public meeting in Trappes (Yvelines), on April 29, 2024. ONE HARSIN/KICK

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Decryption Since 2018, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party has led an increasingly marked offensive in the working-class suburbs, even if it means flirting with communitarianism.

What if this crazy campaign was also played out in the neighborhoods? On a war footing, the activists of La France insoumise want to believe it. Stairwell by stairwell, apartment by apartment, they plow the land, create “action groups”, looking for “gateways” as they say: tenants’ clubs, neighborhood authorities, educators, big brothers, mothers… No one is forgotten. “They are not structured. They do not have the militant strength of a PC, even a very weakened one, analyzes a candidate from Seine-Saint-Denis who joined the New Popular Front. They need relays. But today there is in the neighborhoods, even more than in the rest of the country, a deep anger, a search for radicalism which meets their discourse. » The Europeans prove it: with more than 30% of the votes, Manon Aubry’s list made a splash in most working-class neighborhoods, with breakthroughs of more than 50% in Saint-Denis, Bobigny, Trappes, or La Courneuve… How can we not see it as a fantastic springboard for these tense legislative elections?

“There is really something going on here…” wants to believe Abdelkader Lahmar, the candidate invested by LFI in the 7e Rhône constituency. This economics teacher in a vocational high school, native of Mas du Taureau in Vaulx-en-Velin, where he still teaches, is one of these ” relay “ very courted by the movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. From the collective Let’s get involved! created in 2022 to support the leader of LFI, he knows each…

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