Kennedy Tower fire: one person dead and nine hospitalized, including three in intensive care

Kennedy Tower fire: one person dead and nine hospitalized, including three in intensive care
Kennedy Tower fire: one person dead and nine hospitalized, including three in intensive care

LThe fire at the Kennedy Tower in Liège has been brought under control, police reported on the night of Monday to Tuesday. The fire started around 2:00 p.m., causing the evacuation and rehousing of several dozen residents. A final report shows one death, while nine people are still hospitalized, including three in intensive care.

The firefighters have now set about searching all the apartments. The search should be completed in the morning.

The fire, which first broke out in the cellars, spread throughout the afternoon to the entire height of the building via the technical shafts. Smoke was quickly seen in the upper floors of the building.

Municipal emergency plan triggered

The municipal emergency plan was immediately triggered by the City. Around seventy firefighters from Liège and Verviers, assisted by the emergency zones of Brussels and Antwerp with their 60-meter ladders, mobilized on the Paul van Hoegaerden quay for long hours to bring residents to safety and combat the fire. The evacuations began around 4 p.m.

75 Liège police officers and 25 federal police officers were also deployed, while helicopters from Defense and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg intervened to evacuate residents stuck in their homes.

The latter, prevented by the smoke from accessing the stairwell, were invited by a Be-Alert message to stay on their balcony. From there, the fire crews were able to start hoisting them up around 8:30 p.m. Fifteen people were evacuated by air.

Crisis Center

A crisis center was established at the Charles Rogier Athenaeum to take care of residents, several dozen of whom were relocated to hotels and the Omnisport hall in Cointe. The others were able to find refuge with their loved ones. In total, 252 people live in the Kennedy Tower.

A security perimeter was drawn up around it and traffic was closed on the Paul van Hoegaerden quay. A forensic doctor was dispatched to the scene. The building will remain inaccessible and will be monitored, police warned. In the absence of a definitive assessment, the municipal emergency phase remains activated.



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