Atlantics – Urgent call for help for 70 mistreated animals

Atlantics – Urgent call for help for 70 mistreated animals
Atlantics – Urgent call for help for 70 mistreated animals

35 dogs, 15 cats and 30 chickens were recovered on Friday June 21 near Orthez (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) in atrocious conditions: locked in cages or for some in a car and bathed in their excrement… The animals were terrified and some of them have serious health problems.

Friday June 21, near Orthez, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a large-scale operation made it possible to save 70 animals in terrifying conditions. Thirty-five dogs, fifteen cats and thirty chickens were rescued by the authorities and a veterinary clinic, in collaboration with the animal protection association Animal Cross 64.

Deplorable living conditions

The animals were discovered in atrocious circumstances: locked in cramped cages or even for some in a car, all bathing in their own excrement. The dogs and cats were terrified, with many suffering serious health problems from the neglect and abuse they suffered.

The gendarmerie, the Departmental Directorate for Population Protection (DDPP) and the veterinary clinic acted jointly to rescue these animals in distress. They now need urgent care and a safe environment to begin their rehabilitation.

An urgent call for solidarity

Faced with this critical situation, Animal Cross 64 is launching an urgent appeal for the generosity of the public. The association is urgently looking for long-term foster families to accommodate the animals. “We hope to be able to put them up for adoption very quickly, but for now, we have an immediate need for foster families to offer them temporary shelter,” explains the association.

How to help?

Taking in an animal: If you can offer a temporary home to a dog or cat, contact Animal Cross 64 immediately on 06 58 11 71 13. Veterinary costs are covered and, upon request, food can also be provided.

Donate: The costs of veterinary care and animal safety are high. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a huge difference. You can contribute by making a donation on the association’s website: Make a donation.

Provide supplies: Animal Cross 64 is also in dire need of supplies such as leashes, baskets, bowls and blankets.

A call for compassion

Animal Cross 64 volunteers do everything they can to care for these traumatized animals. They need your help to continue this vital mission. “Every gesture counts, every donation is a breath of hope for these animals,” underlines the association. If you can help in any way, please contact them or make a donation. For any further information or to become a foster family, contact Animal Cross 64 on 06 58 11 71 13.

Photo credit Animal Cross



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