Death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle: tributes follow one another to this Martinican personality

Death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle: tributes follow one another to this Martinican personality
Death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle: tributes follow one another to this Martinican personality

A man of influence and networks, active in the economic, political, cultural and sports world, the death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle on June 26, 2024, has aroused many reactions. His funeral will take place at the Bellevue church in Fort-de-France, next Monday (July 1) at 2 p.m.

Since the sudden disappearance of Jean-Paul Jouanelle at the age of 72 (Wednesday July 26, 2024), messages of condolence accompanied by tributes have multiplied.

In this article, we offer you an anthology, testifying to the popularity of this Martinican who was involved in several circles during his lifetime.

His knowledge, his altruism and his kindness constitute an immense loss for the culture of French overseas territories. For several years, he served as coordinator of the “Les Révoltés du Monde” festivals in Martinique and Guyana (…).

The Protéa association – The Rebels of History

He had a full, multiple life, made of choices, commitments, self-sacrifice, reflections (…). Jean-Paul was a man of great value. He [était] guarantor of a certain ethic and political values ​​of social justice, rights, public service.

The Apajh association of Martinique

(for the reception and support without accommodation of disabled adults and elderly people)

His tireless commitment to economic development and the visibility of local businesses has left a deep impression on people (…). As general delegate of Contact-Entreprises, Jean-Paul has been able to build solid bridges between Martinique entrepreneurs and economic opportunities.

Catherine RODAP, president of MEDEF

His commitment to the economic development of our country, through his various missions and functions, leaves an undeniable mark. A man of conviction, Mr. Jouannelle was also a fervent defender of Martinique on the international scene (…).

Serge Letchimy, president of the executive council of the CTM

(Territorial Collectivity of Martinique)

In recent years, Jean-Paul Jouanelle has played a key role in the association dedicated to the -


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