“I would like Mr Mélenchon to come and debate tomorrow”, says Bardella…

“I would like Mr Mélenchon to come and debate tomorrow”, says Bardella…
“I would like Mr Mélenchon to come and debate tomorrow”, says Bardella…

François Molins comes out of his reserve

A “complicated” and “dangerous” political situation. The former Paris prosecutor, François Molins, invited on the set of Arrêt sur images, said he was “very worried about certain values: solidarity, sharing, dialogue, values ​​of justice, peace , dignity of people. And I think that respect and dignity cannot be modulated according to nationality or skin color.” The full interview can be found at 6 p.m.

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What did he say again?

Jordan Bardella’s conference lasted more than an hour and a half. “Big bang of authority” at school, retirement at 60, end of land rights and increase in salaries… We’ll give you a little recap

End of press conference

The press conference is over. He gave very few figures on the economic measures of his program, leaving many of these issues to future negotiations.

“I would like Mr Mélenchon to come and debate tomorrow”

“I have the feeling that part of the alliance on the left is trying to hide Mr Mélenchon so I hope that he comes to debate tomorrow”, he slips after the comments of Attal who also called the leader of the Insubordinate to be debated on Tuesday, during the televised debate on TF1.

Streamline the real estate market

On the real estate market, “I would like to restrict the prohibitions linked to the DPE (energy performance diagnosis) which prevent the rental and sale of real estate. »

“On the ZAN law (zero net artificialization) I hope that we can relax the provisions, by involving local elected officials. »

The main enemy, radical Islam

Radical Islam, which is there to “conquer”, is one of the “great dangers that we have to face”, recalls the RN candidate.

“We are not calling into question dual nationality but in certain sectors such as Defense they will be reserved for French citizens,” clarifies Bardella. “I’m willing to spend the campaign on it, but it concerns very few people,” he gets annoyed.

“A mess” of the demonstrators, on the left

On the freedom to demonstrate, he says that he will be “the guarantor of individual freedoms, my red line is violence. » He believes that previous governments have shown laxity.

“I am studying the legislative arsenal so that we can protect ourselves from certain excesses in demonstrations. I don’t dare believe that the extreme left can contest the result of the extreme left. There is a tendency among some people to make everything messy. »

A Ministry of State for Overseas

He wants a Ministry of State for overseas territories for its sovereign dimension and the strengthening of public services. He says again that his party is in favor of the reform of the unfreezing of the electoral body in New Caledonia but that it is the method, used by President Macron, that he criticizes.

He is considering a referendum among the French to validate a shield to “protect France from migratory overwhelm. »

On-the-job encryption

“The measures will be encrypted over time,” replies Bardella, when asked about the costing of the program. We’re still a little hungry.

He wants “massive investments in nuclear power”

Poland lowered its VAT and this was validated by Europe, argues Bardella. Possible to reduce to 5.5% on energy, there is case law there.

It is not a question of stopping intermittent (renewable) energies but of putting the nuclear fleet which has been neglected at the center. A vector of energy sovereignty, he wants “massive investments in nuclear power”. He will vote against the privatization of hydraulic dams.

Bardella speaks to Attal voters

“The outgoing majority, if it obtains a third of its current deputies, it will be a success for it,” believes Bardella. Gabriel Attal cannot be re-elected, I call on his voters to make a responsible choice.” He believes that the victory of the New Popular Front would be a vector of disorder and speaks of a “Venezuela without oil”.

Asked about cohabitation, this is what he replied: “I do not intend to be a collaborator of Emmanuel Macron, I will be respectful of the institutions but also uncompromising for the policy for which we have been elected. »

“The most strategic positions in the State will be reserved for French nationals”

Now time for questions. The German chancellor said he was worried about the arrival of the RN to power. “I am respectful of the Franco-German couple but I intend tomorrow at the head of the country to defend the interests of my country and obtain a discount on its contribution, as Germany did,” replies the RN candidate.

On his international vision, he explains that he will be very vigilant about attempts at interference by Russia and other countries. “The most strategic positions in the State will be reserved for French nationals, it is a way of protecting ourselves from attempts at interference,” confirms Bardella after the declarations of Sébastien Chenu, the spokesperson for the RN.

“No closed majority”

“If they offer us an absolute majority, I will be the prime minister of all French people,” reassures Jordan Bardella. I don’t want a closed majority. »“We will ensure absolute respect for the right to opposition,” he continues. There will be no loss of rights for any French person. »

“A full tax share for the second child”

On the economic side, Jordan Bardella generally wants to reduce taxes on production. On the agricultural level, he speaks of a large French eating plan, without detailing it. “We are introducing a full tax share for the second child,” he adds. We intend to eliminate direct taxes on inheritance for low-income families and the middle classes. “

“A big bang of authority” at school

He presents a “school of requirements which will give back to teachers their authorities” and announces “a modular college which also favors professional sectors. »

It is a real “big bang of authority” that he announces with a ban on cell phones including in high schools, compulsory attendance of teachers, and continued experimentation with uniforms.

Return of the Ciotti law which had been repealed and provides for minimum sanctions for disciplinary councils, in order to protect other students and teachers. And also, the suspension of social assistance in the event of serious and repeated disruptions.

Removal of land rights

Establishment of minimum sentences, elimination of social assistance for parents of delinquent children and short incarceration sentences for minors are among the announcements on security. For Jordan Bardella “immigration is a subject that brings the French together”. He confirms his intention to abolish land law.

Lower energy prices

Describes himself as “the candidate of truth”, and speaks of a first part of urgent measures, on purchasing power, security and immigration. He carries an amending finance bill to lower energy prices. To achieve this, he intends to negotiate exemptions from energy prices at European level. It is not a question of calling into question the European market.

” We are ready “

“We were told that dissolution was impossible,” recalls Jordan Bardella who presents the axes of his program this Monday. “It is healthy to rely on the people,” he said to counter the idea that the measure could be a vector of disorder.

“The alliance that I lead is the only real bulwark against the New Popular Front which wants to push the country into chaos,” he said. “To vote for LFI is to vote for IMF, their election would cause the country to be placed under supervision by the IMF.” “We are ready,” he sums up.

“We agree on the imperative need to straighten out France,” argues Eric Ciotti to legitimize his alliance with the RN.

The RN conference will start soon

Jordan Bardella is due to present his campaign platform in a moment. Marine Le Pen and Eric Ciotti are present side by side.



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