A woman bitten by wolves in the Thoiry zoo

A woman bitten by wolves in the Thoiry zoo
A woman bitten by wolves in the Thoiry zoo

The events took place around 9 a.m. yesterday morning, said the source close to the matter, confirming information from Le Parisien. The victim was injured “in the neck, calf and back”, she detailed. The victim was transported to hospital in absolute emergency, added the public prosecutor of Versailles, Maryvonne Caillibotte.

According to initial information, the victim, who had spent the night with family in hotel accommodation in the park, had gone jogging. “Undoubtedly at this stage, she found herself in the safari area, which is in principle reserved for cars. This is where she was attacked by three wolves,” detailed the prosecutor. “I am not able to say if it was she who made a mistake or if the marking was not well done,” added the magistrate. Caregivers “intervened very quickly,” said Ms. Caillibotte.

“The animals were put aside, then reintegrated,” she said. The source close to the case initially indicated that the victim had “entered an enclosure”, by “crossing two security systems, a ditch and an electrical device, intended to prevent the animals from getting out”.

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