Bitcoin price is expected to recover after weak miners capitulate and hash rate recovers.

Bitcoin has seen a significant downward trend over the past two weeks, with its price currently 13.8% lower than the all-time high of $73,835 reached on March 14. According to analysts, the Bitcoin price recovery will depend on the capitulation of weak miners and a recovery in the network hash rate.

Current market analysis

Independent analyst Willy Woo pointed out that the Bitcoin price recovery will depend on the capitulation of “weak miners” and a subsequent recovery in the hash rate. In a recent post on social media platform »

Miner capitulation refers to a situation where miners are forced to turn off their hardware and sell their coins when the price of Bitcoin falls below a profitable threshold. This occurs when mining becomes unprofitable due to reduced rewards or increased operational costs.

Understanding the capitulation of minors

Woo explains that when Bitcoin “loses weak hands,” it means that inefficient miners using old hardware with high costs are pushed out of business, while others are forced to upgrade to more efficient hardware. Both of these scenarios result in miners selling BTC to cover their losses or fund hardware upgrades. “Once this is done and the sale is over, only the strongest remain, and they hodl while waiting for higher prices,” Woo added.

The current cycle of miner capitulation is taking longer than previous cycles, which Woo attributes to increases in profits from ordinary listings. Historical data shared by Woo indicates that the hash rate recovery in previous cycles was faster, taking 24 days in 2017 and only 8 days in 2020. However, the current recovery has been going on for 61 days.

Bitcoin Hash Rate Dynamics

Bitcoin’s hash rate, which measures the number of attempts per second to solve the mathematical puzzle that validates Bitcoin transactions, is a critical factor in the health of the network. An increasing hash rate means increased computing power, which leads to higher energy costs and longer transaction verification times.

Analyst Ali Martinez noted in a June 15 post that the average cost of mining Bitcoin is currently $86,668. Martinez added: “Historically, BTC always rises above its average mining cost,” suggesting potential for a price rally once the hash rate stabilizes.

Market Sentiment and Predictions

Another analyst, Mr. Anderson, commented on the situation stating that a “shake out” is necessary to end the downward trend in the price of Bitcoin. A “shake out” occurs when the price falls sharply, prompting less committed traders to sell. “The goal is to cause panic and increase sales,” Anderson said in a June 18 message. This “shake out” helps clear the market of weak hands, setting the stage for a stronger recovery.

Future Outlook for Bitcoin

Despite the current downward trend, analysts are cautiously optimistic about Bitcoin’s long-term potential. The continued capitulation of miners and hash rate recovery are seen as necessary steps towards a healthier and more resilient network. Once inefficient miners are eliminated and the hash rate stabilizes, the market is expected to rebound.


Bitcoin’s recent downward trend and continued miner capitulation highlight the challenges facing the cryptocurrency market. However, analysts believe these difficulties are temporary and necessary for a stronger recovery. Eliminating weak miners and stabilizing the hash rate are crucial for a further Bitcoin price rally. As the market adapts to these dynamics, investors must remain informed and ready to respond to potential price movements.

The current situation highlights the importance of resilience and innovation within the Bitcoin mining community. As inefficient miners are weeded out and the network adapts to new challenges, Bitcoin’s long-term outlook remains promising. Investors and stakeholders should closely monitor hash rate trends and market sentiment to effectively navigate this volatile landscape.

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