Hand armchair friendly day

Hand armchair friendly day
Hand armchair friendly day

The Générac Handball Sporting Club organized, with the Mazan handball club at the foot of Mont Ventoux, a handchair discovery and disability awareness day.

The Mazan club brought wheelchairs adapted to the practice of sport. From 10 a.m., the under-11s of the Générac club sat on the chairs. Jean-Marie Bressi, present in the Mazan club for ten years, himself a coach, explained some rules specific to the practice of wheelchair handball: the three steps not to be taken by able-bodied people result in three wheelchair pushes.

There is also a “zone” when the chair wheels pass the zone. Otherwise, the rules are the same. Two teams were formed with children from both clubs.

After the warm-up (forward, backward, backward, zig-zag circulation), the very friendly match began. Then the adults or older children faced each other.

The Générac Handball Sporting Club, with its 160 members, teaches the practice of handball from the age of 4 with the mini-hand school and welcomes the public up to 50 years old. All categories of girls and boys are represented. In terms of results, the under-15 boys were in the quarter-finals of the Occitanie championship. The under-13 boys won the Gard Cup.

The lunch break meal was all taken together in great complicity.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 12 61 12 23



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