This Saturday, information day on organ donations: all donors, all recipients!

This Saturday, information day on organ donations: all donors, all recipients!
This Saturday, information day on organ donations: all donors, all recipients!

Every year, in France, on June 22, the national day of reflection on organ donation and transplantation, and recognition of donors, is held. This year, the Biomedicine Agency (ABM) is focusing on making this day the day when all French people tell their loved ones if they are organ donors. The vast majority of the population (80%) is in favor of this donation, 93% think it is important to communicate your position to those close to you, but only 47% have actually spoken about it, However, this exchange is vital. If the subject had never been discussed, when in doubt, relatives report an opposition out of caution, so that 1 in 3 samples are thus prevented. So many lives that could have been saved are not, knowing that a donor can save up to 7 lives.

Thanks to organ donation, 5,634 transplants could be carried out in 2023 but with still more than 21,866 patients waiting for a transplant. According to the law, we are all presumed donors and the Hospital Coordination teams for Organ and Tissue Harvesting (CHPOT) must consult relatives to receive any opposition from the deceased. Talking about it while they are alive is to relieve them during this interview. It is also, with a simple “yes”, being able to save 7 lives. Everyone is affected by this approach, because organ and tissue donation can be done at any age, regardless of their state of health. Just as everyone can be transplanted, everyone can donate.

It is in this context that the team of the Hospital Coordination for Organ and Tissue Harvesting at the Auch Hospital Center wanted to get involved in order to convey a key message: To save lives, you have to say it I Indeed, CHPOT has existed within the establishment since 2001 and it is a service set up to organize and coordinate organ and tissue harvesting.

A team ready to intervene

The team is made up of 5 people: Dr Fabienne BIROT-JAULIN, coordinating doctor – Ms Valérie BETH, Bénédicte BROQUERE and Stéphanie EVRARD, nurses – Ms Séverine COQUET: healthcare executive. The team’s mission is to: Identify potential donors – Create the donor file – Discuss donation and support loved ones – Organize and manage organ and tissue collections – Train and inform staff and the public – Ensure all traceability. On average, per year, the Auch Hospital Center has 3.5 multi-organ samples and 40 corneas.

Paulin Riva and Johan Demai-Hamacher in the fray, When rugby is a game for life!

This year, to convey the message during organ and tissue donation day, the team of CHPOT asked Paulin RIVA and Johan Demai-Hamacher, international rugby players, to raise awareness among the general public of the importance of donating and talking about it with those around you. Thus, a video was produced with the assistance of the Departmental Council which the CH would like to warmly thank. This video relates the current figures for organ donation in France and aims to relay the ABM message: organ donation, spread the message!

The establishment would like to thank Paulin RIVA, Johan Hamacher, the Departmental Council and the CHPOT team for their investment in this vital communication.

Sylvie Lacarriere, director of the hospital, received, along with the CHPOT team, Philippe Dupouy, president of the Departmental Council, to thank him for the help provided to this cause by making this clip with the hospital team and 2 rugby players. Gersois. The president was also delighted to participate in the propagation of this primordial idea of ​​an action which concerns everyone whatever their age: organ donations: all donors, all recipients



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