what should vacationers expect this summer?

what should vacationers expect this summer?
what should vacationers expect this summer?

Since the beginning of the situation in Ukraine, energy prices have continued to increase in France. Although we cannot say that before, it was low cost, the prices remained a little more affordable. That said, there are ways to save on gas costs.. This involves eco-driving. These simple principles will allow you to save precious liters. And in the context of the holidays and long journeys that are coming, this is more than desirable.

To do this, try to drive smoothly by using deceleration rather than disc braking and sharp re-acceleration. Despite the extreme heat, doing without air conditioning also reduces your consumption. Driving at a constant speed and at a reduced speed will save you precious kilometers on your tank. Especially since the prices at the pump do not seem to be calming down. We tell you everything.

What about prices at the pump this summer?

According to Olivier Gantois, president of the French Union of Petroleum Industries (Ufip) for the -.fr site:

“the price of a barrel is 80 dollars” and “The price of diesel this week is 1.68 euros per liter and unleaded 95 is 1.84 euros”

Furthermore, he adds:

“If we compare with the start of the year, the price of a barrel was 79 euros, almost the same price as today. Diesel was at 1.75 euros, on the other hand, unleaded which was at 1.81 euros rose to 1.84 euros. »

This price includes state taxation and the cost of delivery. From an international point of view, the oil producing countries (OPEC) have agreed to limit their production. In order to maintain the price of the barrel. Still according to Olivier Gantois:

“For 18 months we have had prices fluctuating between 75 and 84 dollars per barrel. We very rarely went out of this range. There, for several months, prices have been quite firm. »

Suffice to say that for this summer, no miracle. Prices will remain as they are now. To the great misfortune of individuals who cannot even count on fuel checks.



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