Coderre candidate for leadership of the PLQ: “Immigration is the key to the future of our nation”

Coderre candidate for leadership of the PLQ: “Immigration is the key to the future of our nation”
Coderre candidate for leadership of the PLQ: “Immigration is the key to the future of our nation”

Officially candidate for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Quebec, Denis Coderre believes that the future of the nation depends on immigration and accuses François Legault of falling into an identity-based nationalism a la “Lionel Groulx”.

“There aren’t too many immigrants. Immigration is labor! insisted the aspiring liberal leader at a press conference on Friday in front of the National Assembly. I sincerely believe that immigration is the key to the future of our nation.”

The former mayor of Montreal and former federal minister deplored the recent statements of Prime Minister Legault, who blamed “100%” of the housing problems in Quebec on temporary immigrants.

“When I see this identity-based nationalism, it’s not Maurice Duplessis that we are seeing, it’s Lionel Groulx! That will do!, railed Denis Coderre. When we walk around La Pocatière, you won’t make me believe that the housing problems are because of immigration.

The experience and the spaghetti dinners

Surrounded by a few former Liberal MPs, such as Raymond Bernier and Norbet Morin, he presented himself as the best choice for the PLQ because of his long track record in politics.

“I have experienced crises, I know the game, he insisted. I have experienced parties that were on the ground only to rise again and return to power.”

Judging that he does not need publicity because of his notoriety, Denis Coderre wants to be on the ground and listen to citizens. He will also undertake a tour of Quebec, during which he plans to organize a “spaghetti dinner” in each of the 125 ridings.

It was the “separatist” threat and the specter of a third referendum on sovereignty that convinced him to return to politics.

Denis Coderre, who will run in the riding of Bellechasse on the South Shore of Quebec, is in favor of a 3rd link on the river. But he has no idea what form the infrastructure would take, nor where this new road link between the National Capital and Lévis would run.

More details to come…

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