This first big update of Ara brings a new page entitled “National Economy”, which gives a global overview of all the production of supplies and commodities at a glance. Excellent news which should make all this less laborious. Especially since it will also be possible to schedule improvements automatically as soon as resources become available. Just this simple page should greatly improve things, but Oxide goes further by aligning itself with the other civilizational 4Xs by finally offering to be able to evolve its military units over the ages, in order to avoid having archers fighting alongside a tank unit. Additionally, terrain advantages will also be taken into account, just like in any other game of the genre.
Oxide is also reviewing its tutorial system which went a bit in all directions with several objectives by theme (military, development, religion, etc.) materialized by missions. With this update, everything will be centralized in a single tab to make it easier to track the progress of it all at once. Finally, the Invisible Hand will also add John A. Macdonald, Canadian Prime Minister, as leader, as well as a new map representing our beloved planet Earth. The studio assures that this is only the first update and as we said in our test “We can see the game getting refined over time, like each Civilization which becomes better with its DLC, but before imagining that, Ara needs to rework her good ideas.” and the studio seems to be heading in that direction.