The Warcraft trilogy brought up to date for the 30th anniversary of the license

The Warcraft trilogy brought up to date for the 30th anniversary of the license
The Warcraft trilogy brought up to date for the 30th anniversary of the license

In 2020, on the occasion of 25 years of the license,
Warcraft 3 Reforged. A title which quickly found itself under fire from critics as it had flaws compared to the original game. Now that the license is celebrating its 30th anniversary, Blizzard wants to correct the situation with version 2.0. And to make sure that the pill goes down a little better, it’s the whole trilogy Warcraft which is remastered in a unique pack available since November 13.

At the instance of Diablo 2 Resurrectedit will be possible to switch between the modern version of the graphics and the original version. Orcs and Humans, Todes of Darkness et
Beyond the Dark Portal benefit from some improvements that make the experience more pleasant. With in particular the possibility of using the right click in Warcraft
unit selection or even improved game speed.

For his part, Wacraft 3 Reforged also offers the ability to switch between classic and modern versions of its graphics. However, after the very negative feedback received since its release, the game offers other improvements. Better fluidity, the possibility of customizing your shortcuts, the completely revised classified mode… Note that of the entire trilogy
Warcraftonly the version Reforged offers competitive gaming.




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