What is the weather expected in Sablé-sur- and its surrounding areas on Thursday, November 14, 2024?

What is the weather expected in Sablé-sur- and its surrounding areas on Thursday, November 14, 2024?
What is the weather expected in Sablé-sur-Sarthe and its surrounding areas on Thursday, November 14, 2024?

In Sablé-sur-, the sky will be overcast when you wake up this Thursday, November 14, and the temperatures will be cool. At dawn, the wind force will be 25 km/h, and will gradually decrease to approximately 10 km/h around mid-morning, then strengthen around 11 a.m. to reach around 20 km/h. . In bursts, it can exceed 40 km/h. It will be coming from the North-East during this time slot. The mercury will read 4°C at 9 a.m., and will rise to 8°C by late morning.

During the afternoon, the sky will still be overcast around noon, before becoming more cloudy towards the start of the afternoon and clearing slightly around 3 p.m. The thermometer will continue to rise at the start of the afternoon to reach 10°C, then decrease between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9°C. The wind will increase to around 25 km/h in the early afternoon, then decrease quickly around 6 p.m. to reach approximately 10 km/h. Gusts could exceed 45 km/h. Its direction will change during this period.

In the evening, the thermometer will gradually drop between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to reach 4°C. The wind will oscillate between 5 and 10 km/h, and its direction will fluctuate. The weather will be covered with fog towards the beginning of the evening, becoming cloudy around 7 p.m. and becoming foggy in the late evening.

At night, the sky will still be covered in fog around midnight, then become cloudy towards the start of the night and will be completely covered around 3 a.m. The mercury will rise towards the end of the night to reach 5°C. The wind strength will suddenly increase between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. to around 20 km/h, then suddenly fade to approximately 5 km/h early in the morning. During this interval, it will be in the North-East sector.

Tomorrow will be mostly clear. Temperatures will be usual for the season: they will be 8°C on average, with a maximum of 12°C reached from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

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