What is the weather expected in and its surrounding areas on Thursday, November 14, 2024?

What is the weather expected in and its surrounding areas on Thursday, November 14, 2024?
What is the weather expected in Nantes and its surrounding areas on Thursday, November 14, 2024?

This Thursday, November 14, will dawn under overcast weather, and temperatures will be equivalent to yesterday. The wind will oscillate around 20 km/h, and it will be from the North-East sector. Gusts could reach 50 km/h. The mercury will read 5°C in the early morning, and will rise between 9 a.m. and noon to reach 9°C.

In the afternoon, the thermometer will continue to rise between noon and 2 p.m. to 11°C. The sky will still be overcast towards the beginning of the afternoon, then will partly clear around 4 p.m. and become completely cloudy at the end of the afternoon. The wind strength will vary between 25 and 30 km/h, and it will continue to blow from the North-East. In bursts, it will be able to exceed 55 km/h.

In the evening, the sky will still be overcast around 6 p.m., before becoming more cloudy in the early evening and clearing completely around 8 p.m. The thermometer will drop by up to 6°C towards the start of the night, while the wind force will fade between 7 p.m. and midnight to reach approximately 15 km/h. It can exceed 60 km/h in bursts. It will remain in the North-East sector during this period.

The night will begin with a cloudy sky which will become more cloudy towards the start of the night and will become slightly clearer around 2 a.m. Tonight, the wind will strengthen between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. to around 25 km/h, and it will still be from the North-East. 45 km/h can be reached in bursts. The mercury will remain homogeneous at 6°C.

For tomorrow, the temperature will be almost the same as today: rising to 8°C on average, its maximum of 12°C will be reached from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The weather will be mostly cloudy, but no precipitation is expected.

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