one of the young people who died had already had an accident on this road

one of the young people who died had already had an accident on this road
one of the young people who died had already had an accident on this road

A tragic road accident caused the death of seven people in Bailleau-le-Pin, near Chartres (Eure-et-Loir), on the evening of Tuesday June 18, 2024. Among the victims, five young people aged 17 to 19 years old. One of them, Thibault, had already been seriously injured during an accident on the same departmental road last September, reveals The Parisian.

Three weeks in a coma

“His friend Sofiane was not feeling well. He had parked on the side of the road and got out of the car to help him. A motorist who was driving at high speed hit them. Thibault was thrown”says the father of the 19-year-old young man, who remained in a coma for three weeks. “He then spent two months in a rehabilitation center, in complete hospitalization, before gradually getting back on track”he continues.

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In recent weeks, Thibault had shown significant progress. He was supposed to soon resume his BTS on a work-study basis. Between studies and outings with friends, his daily life gradually resembled that of a young person his age again. “He was so happy to get back to a normal life”laments his father. “This road killed our son twice”he believes, denouncing “an absence of control and radar”.

“I didn’t have confidence”

According to the first elements of the investigation, the tragedy was caused by excessive speed which led to the loss of control of the Honda in which Thibault and his friends were. They ended up colliding head-on with a car carrying two octogenarians, who died instantly. The Honda came to rest on its roof and quickly caught fire, making it impossible to rescue the five occupants.

“I didn’t trust the driver. He was a college friend of my son but, although he had only had his license for a year, he had already had several accidents”, regrets Thibault’s father. The investigation is continuing to clarify the exact circumstances of the accident, in particular the speed at which the Honda was traveling and the possible influence of substances.

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