preventive relief operations carried out in Maine-et-Loire

preventive relief operations carried out in Maine-et-Loire
preventive relief operations carried out in Maine-et-Loire

The department of Maine-et-Loire is placed on orange weather alert for the risk of “thunderstorms” and “rain-flooding” this Thursday, June 20. Heavy stormy precipitation could result in accumulations of between 30 and 50 mm with locally 80 mm and potentially peaks approaching 100 mm very locally, warns the Maine-et-Loire prefecture in a press release sent in the middle of the afternoon. Precipitation is forecast late in the day and early in the evening, according to Météo France.

Oudon floods

Heavy rains in Mayenne led the flood forecasting service to classify the Oudon as red alert for the “flood” risk following the 3.2 meter rise above the coast at the Craon station (Mayenne). However, the flood monitoring station on the Oudon in Maine-et-Loire, located in Segré, indicates a yellow vigilance level (0.83 meters at noon). The Oudon basin in Maine-et-Loire is subject to a risk of localized overflows warns the prefecture.

Campsite closed and road blocked

At 2:30 p.m., the services of the municipality of Segré-en-Anjou Bleu and those of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) were mobilized to manage the first overflows in Saint-Aubin-du-Pavoil and provide security people and property that would be put in danger in the event of rising water levels in Segré. The Nyoiseau campsite has been temporarily closed and the RD181 in Bourg d’Iré is closed to traffic.



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