This college in Seine-et-Marne collects prizes from school competitions

This college in Seine-et-Marne collects prizes from school competitions
This college in Seine-et-Marne collects prizes from school competitions


Julia Gualtieri

Published on

June 20, 2024 at 11:50 a.m.

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It was a festival of prizes won by the students of the Léonard-de-Vinci college, in Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes. In a few weeks, they landed four, one more than last year. “Our college is one of the establishments the most awarded in France in school competitions,” underlines Laurie Carrez, history and geography teacher.

Anthology of prices in Saint-Thibault

The 4eE won the “awakening prize” thanks to their video on the right to freedom of opinion and expressionthe 3eA and D distinguished themselves in the national competition on Resistance and deportation with their comic strip on Lucien Zinger and their singing by Germaine Tillon. Students of 5eA, they came in first place in the competition Mediatiks for their WebTV, as well as the 3eE who won first prize for their poster “No to LGBTphobia”. Nice track record!

The students, like their teachers, do not hide their pride. “It really made me proud,” summarizes Julie, in 3e. “It shows that we have worked well,” adds his comrade Clara. “I take this memory with me for high school and my future life,” thanks Azzahra.

We are proud to have contributed, at our level, to promoting a message of tolerance and acceptance.

Mathys, Romain, Maximilien and Léa, from 3eE.

” That was too cool. I thank Ms. Carrez for organizing this project and for taking us to the Senate,” thanks Thomas, of 4eE.

“We too are very proud of them,” says Laurie Carrez with a smile. “These are very rich experiences which bring the class together, it is very positive for the school climate. » There are eight of them, eight very united teachers who very often take part in competitions. There is Ms. Perriot, history-geography teacher, Ms. Paran, plastic arts teacher, Ms. Tellier, music education teacher, Ms. Vermot, librarian teacher, Ms. Meersman, French teacher and Ms. D’Angelo, coordinator ULIS. The team also emphasizes the importance of support from management and town hall.

Videos: currently on -

Many advantages

They only see advantages in integrating these projects into their courses. “The students come out valued. They put the learning into practice in a concrete way, realizing that they know and that they know how to do,” explains Juliette Vermot. These projects are also an opportunity to break the “descending relationship”: “They teach us things too! »

By creating a poster, a WebTV or a Web radio, a film or a comic book, the students discover techniques, professions and sometimes discover a talent which might not have been highlighted otherwise, the teachers explain. They also meet professionals: for the film on freedoms, a filming professional came to the high school. For their internal media, the students are accompanied by a journalist from a national daily newspaper.

All this while continuing their learning, on themes that are sometimes complex, cross-cutting and current. “We had a lot of time to discuss discrimination. Working on a project makes you think, the groups are mixed… It helped put an end to certain mockery,” say Juliette Vermot and Laurie Carrez.

Appreciated by students

Benefits that students confirm. “I really liked seeing what was happening behind the camera, learning how to embody a character,” explains Swann, of the 4eE. Leïa appreciated the “spirit of solidarity”, others congratulated themselves on having “succeeded in conveying emotions” and making people “understand the injustices”. “At our age, it is already important to express yourself and have your own opinion,” emphasizes Alma.

And the prices do not summarize all the work undertaken by the teaching team. A media class, soon a participatory library, students even visited M6, in the 12/45 on March 20 and 22 for press week. They had gone to interview athletes.

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