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Foix. A day of prevention at the university center

Foix. A day of prevention at the university center
Foix. A day of prevention at the university center

the essential
On Tuesday June 18, the Ariège University Center hosted a day dedicated to prevention for living well and aging at work.

This event began at 8:30 a.m. with the welcoming of participants and the setting up of information stands. The president of the Departmental Management Center (CDG09), Martine Esteban, opened the day at 9 a.m. The first intervention, entitled “Growing old… okay but there’s no fire!”, was presented by Compagnie A three branches of OC, from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Jeanne Metais, commercial inspector at CNP Insurance, then addressed the issue of absenteeism among seniors.

From 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., Jean Dumonteil, member of the Scientific Council of the MNT Observatory, presented strategies for managing and anticipating the end of careers. A round table on the theme “Aging well at work: reality or utopia?” was held from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., where various actors and actresses from work and health as well as mayors and elected officials spoke.

Lunch was offered by the CDG09, allowing participants to eat while visiting the resource stands of several organizations such as the CNP, or the CDG09.

Special attention to seniors at work

The afternoon was devoted to three workshops of one hour each, starting at 1:30 p.m. The participants were able to choose from the following activities: an escape game, a workshop on intergenerational management, good practices for reducing absences from work, how to optimize well-being at work: strategies for active and inclusive aging and finally “So that tomorrow it OUCH… it goes well”.

The organization of this day responds to several current issues: longer and irregular careers, the increased presence of active seniors, a decline in the attractiveness of the civil service, and an increased search for meaning among agents. This context encourages improving working conditions, preventing arduousness, absenteeism, and professional disintegration. The event explored whether workplace wellbeing could be an effective response to these challenges.



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