Italy: death of an abandoned Indian worker with a severed arm

Italy: death of an abandoned Indian worker with a severed arm
Italy: death of an abandoned Indian worker with a severed arm

“The Indian agricultural worker who had suffered a serious accident (…) and had been abandoned in very serious conditions, died,” Minister of Labor Marina Calderone declared to deputies on Wednesday, denouncing “an act of barbarity” , in addition to the fact that the man in his thirties “worked without having a formal contract”.

“We demand truth and justice” for the death of Satnam Singh, Cecilia Guerra, a leader of the Democratic Party (PD, center-left), wrote in a statement on Wednesday, denouncing “the violence of the conditions in which Mr. Singh was forced to to work”.

As of Monday, the Federation of Agricultural Industry Workers (FLAI) reported that an Indian worker “who was cutting hay had his arm torn off by a machine and suffered other serious fractures.”

“Apart from the horror of the accident, we must add the fact that instead of being rescued by his employers he was dumped like a bag of garbage near his home,” she denounced.

“His partner and his friends contacted us, then called for help. He was airlifted to a hospital in Rome but he died at midday” on Wednesday, the command of the Latina carabinieri told AFP, town located about sixty km southeast of Rome where the accident took place.

An investigation was opened for failure to help and manslaughter.

The Latina region is an agricultural region where a large number of immigrants work, including many Indians.

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