a multi-sport day followed by a festive and original evening

a multi-sport day followed by a festive and original evening
a multi-sport day followed by a festive and original evening

Boé lights the flame, Boé ignites the track. Originality prevailed in the choice of titles for a day which promises to be original around the Boétien sports plain in Cancelles and around the François-Mitterrand cultural space more precisely. “This year, Boé echoes the Paris Olympic Games. For months, we have been organizing events and carrying out projects so that sport sets the rhythm of municipal action, explains Pascale Luguet. Saturday June 22 will be the high point of this ambitious program. »

First in the afternoon, at 2 p.m., the launch of the third edition of Boé lights the flame. “One afternoon, a single place, the Cancelles sports plain, all the Boétien sports associations, but also Ufolep, the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee, will come together to offer sporting events to children, friends, families. »

With Renaudinho

Demonstrations, practices, a challenge will also be on the program to spice up this day. The rule is simple: a group of five people, families, friends, face the challenges offered by the different stands to earn points. “Prizes for everyone, sports licenses for the teams with the best scores are up for grabs.” From 6 p.m., Renaudinho, star of social networks with his talents in freestyle football, will put on the show. “It’s very good news to be able to count on this young athlete followed by hundreds of thousands of people on social networks. What he does with a ball is very spectacular.”

After the sport, the party will take over the place. Boé will have lit the flame in the afternoon, Boé will ignite the track in the evening, and the public will be invited to head towards avenue François-Mitterrand and the parking lot of the cultural space, for this evening where originality and the new will be the common thread. “A brass band, wandering artists, inflatable games for children, we wanted to create a moment of celebration where the show will have its place.” The Loustics, Le voyage de Meringue, the Bidons futés de Musiquviens, the Fanfare à six pieds, the artists specializing in music and atmosphere will be the masters of this evening.

With the associations

This moment also promises to be placed under the sign of conviviality, especially since it was designed and implemented with the Boétien sports associations. “They responded to our request. They will notably prepare the meal which will be set up on Avenue François-Mitterrand, which is closed to traffic during this event. » After the meal, it’s time for dancing, DJ Chris, a well-known disc jockey from Agen parties, will be on the decks.

Finally, fireworks will be set off at 11 p.m. to close this day-evening which promises to leave a lasting impression. In the event of bad weather, the evening will be moved inside the François-Mitterrand cultural space.

Meal prices: 10 euros. Information and reservations on 05 54 48 10 82 or [email protected]



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