NASA asked two astronauts to exit the ISS to check for living organisms

NASA asked two astronauts to exit the ISS to check for living organisms
NASA asked two astronauts to exit the ISS to check for living organisms

JVTech News NASA asked two astronauts to exit the ISS to check for the presence of living organisms

Published on 06/19/2024 at 06:40

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In a more than special mission, NASA entrusted astronauts Tracy Dyson and Matt Dominick with the task of venturing outside the International Space Station (ISS) to collect samples and determine if life exists in space. space environment.

Life in a vacuum?

The exterior of the ISS presents a hostile environment for life as we know it. Temperatures range between 120ºC and -100ºC and radiation is intense due to the absence of the Earth’s atmosphere. However,
science has demonstrated that there are microorganisms

called extremophiles, capable of surviving in extreme conditions.

Tardigrades, for example, are microscopic invertebrates that have demonstrated an astonishing resistance to outer space. These tiny beings can enter a latency state called cryptobiosis, in which they can survive without water and endure extreme conditions for years. It has been speculated that they could even be present on the Moon, following the accident of the Israeli Beresheet probe in 2019which was carrying dehydrated tardigrades.

In addition to tardigrades, there are even smaller bacteria and other microorganisms that have demonstrated extraordinary resilience in space. Previous experiments on the ISS have revealed that certain species of bacteria and fungi can survive up to two years exposed to orbital conditions.

A mission that could change everything

Originally scheduled for June 13

, it will finally be on June 24 that Dyson and Dominick will exit the ISS to collect samples outside the station. These samples will be analyzed on Earth to determine if they contain living organisms. The results of this research could have significant implications in the search for extraterrestrial life.

If the presence of life outside the ISS is confirmed, it would demonstrate that life can exist in much more hostile environments than previously thought. This would open up new possibilities in the search for life on other planets and moons in our solar system and beyond.

The search for extraterrestrial life is one of the greatest challenges of modern science. If life is found outside the ISS, it could revolutionize our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Additionally, it would have important implications for space exploration and the possibility of establishing human colonies on other planets.

Dyson and Dominick’s mission is an important step in this direction. Their findings could have a lasting impact on our understanding of life and its ability to adapt to extreme environments. So now there is only one thing left to do: wait.



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