World Sickle Cell Day: Dr Edith Christiane Bougouma raises awareness about the disease

World Sickle Cell Day: Dr Edith Christiane Bougouma raises awareness about the disease
World Sickle Cell Day: Dr Edith Christiane Bougouma raises awareness about the disease

Every June 19, the world celebrates World Sickle Cell Day. On this occasion, Dr Edith Christiane Bougouma, certified in genetics, genomics and Molecular Epidemiology, published a writing with the aim of further raising awareness and informing the population on the importance of the disease and the need for systematic screening at the birth, but also to alert about the risks and the possibilities of care.

According to Dr Bougma, sickle cell disease is a genetic blood disease, which affects hemoglobin, the main protein in red blood cells. In fact, it makes the red blood cells more fragile, which destroys them more quickly, causing anemia and fatigue.

Red blood cells must be renewed more quickly by the body. Sometimes these globules become deformed. They can then block the blood vessels preventing oxygen from arriving more correctly and this causes pain. The disease manifests itself with anemia, painful attacks and an increased risk of bacterial infections.

Regarding the treatment of sickle cell anemia, Dr. Bougma suggested that even if current treatments have greatly increased the life expectancy of affected patients, they still remain limited. “However, victory is certainly not far away. We just need to unite and join forces, because it is together that we will be stronger. So let’s work as a team,” she added.

She invited the entire medical profession to work to guarantee sickle cell patients access to quality health care and to promote research so that an effective treatment is found.

Message from Dr Bougouma Edith Christiane

(Certified in genetics, genomics and Molecular Epidemiology)

”Actor of change through Quality Culture”


On the occasion of World Sickle Cell Day, I would like to further raise awareness and inform the population about the importance of this disease and the need for systematic screening at birth, but also to warn about the risks and possibilities of care.

Sickle cell anemia, the most common genetic blood disease in the world.

It affects hemoglobin, the main protein in red blood cells. In fact, it makes the red blood cells more fragile, which destroys them more quickly, causing anemia and fatigue. Red blood cells must be renewed more quickly by the body. Sometimes these globules become deformed. They can then block the blood vessels and oxygen no longer arrives properly and this causes pain. [1]

Sickle cell disease manifests itself in particular by anemia (abnormal drop in hemoglobin level in the blood), painful crises and an increased risk of bacterial infections.

World Sickle Cell Day plays a vital role in sharing accurate information and debunking myths about Sickle Cell Disease to the public, healthcare professionals and policy makers.

To build and strengthen global Sickle Cell communities, let’s formalize newborn screening or carry out very early diagnosis followed by a wise decision before marriage by emphasizing to the population the importance of knowing one’s Sickle Cell status.

The hope of gene therapy: Although current treatments have greatly increased the life expectancy of affected patients, they still remain limited. [2]

However, victory is certainly not far away. We just need to unite and join forces, because it is together that we will be stronger. So let’s work as a team.

A team, in my opinion, is similar to a tree that needs regular nourishment to grow well and produce positive results.

It is teamwork that will allow us to have a common vision and the ability to achieve our objectives; Only unity will allow us to achieve exceptional results.

Let’s keep in mind that there is a time for everything:

Yes, we must, and will, defeat this Sickle Cell Disease!

Since the beginning of the struggle, there have been errors and shortcomings at the organizational level; now we must act to wipe Sickle Cell Disease off the face of the planet!

Is exceeded

 Time for questions,

 Time to react to news, bad news,

 Time to create,

 Time to observe,

 Time to analyze,

 Time to stop asking questions,

 Time to say: Stop, enough is enough!

 The time to no longer be on the defensive,

 Time to attack.


 Time to overcome Sickle Cell Disease,

 Time for total care for all sickle cell patients

I wish you a very happy day in the fight against Sickle Cell Disease.

Together, we must work to ensure that people with sickle cell disease receive the care and support they need to lead healthy, happy lives.

Together, we must raise public awareness of the challenges associated with the disease. Together we must support those affected.

Together, we must promote research to find an effective treatment.

Together, we must facilitate and ensure access to quality health care for sickle cell patients.

All united against Sickle Cell Disease!

My dream is that we can Defeat Sickle Cell Disease in the near future.


1. What is sickle cell disease,

2. Sickle cell disease · Inserm, Science for health,

Dr Bougouma Edith Christiane

PharmD, PhD in Public Health/Microbiology

Certified in Genetics, Genomics and Molecular Epidemiology

Email: [email protected]



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