Gas, DPE, savings, insurance and sales… What’s changing on July 1, 2024

Gas, DPE, savings, insurance and sales… What’s changing on July 1, 2024
Gas, DPE, savings, insurance and sales… What’s changing on July 1, 2024

Energy: 11.7% increase in the price of natural gas

Au 1is July 2024, the benchmark price for natural gas sales increases by 11.70% on averagecompared to June 2024. According to the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), this increase is linked to the rise in wholesale natural gas prices, to which is added a 27.5% increase in the costs of transporting natural gas through the natural gas distribution networks, to cover the maintenance costs of GRDF’s natural gas distribution network.

In July 2024, the average benchmark price is around €129.2/MWh including tax. Which corresponds to an annual bill of 1,184 euros including tax for an average consumer. (against an annual invoice of 1,227 euros including tax based on the benchmark price applicable in January 2024).

The most modest households automatically received their 2024 energy check in April. People who meet the conditions for its allocation in 2024, but who did not receive the energy check because they were not eligible for it last year, will be able to submit their application on the complaints site, opened during July, accessible from the website The request can be made until the end of 2024. It can also be sent by post or accompanied by advisors from the France service spaces.

Real estate: simplified DPE for small areas

The energy performance diagnosis (DPE) is evolving for small surface area housing, less than or equal to 40 m2. The method of calculating the energy performance classification (energy labels ranging from “A” for the most efficient housing to “G” for the most energy-consuming housing) has been modified. Taking into account the specificities of these dwellings, particularly in terms of hot water consumption, which weighs on the classification, a certain number of these small dwellings should come out of the category of energy strainers (labeled F or G).

From 1is July 2024, a certificate of modification of the initial label of a DPE produced since 1is July 2021 can be downloaded from the Ademe (ecological transition agency) website.

Savings: the new Climate Future Savings Plan (PEAC) for young people

From the 1stis July 2024, the Future Climate Savings Plan is available for young people under 21 (25 years if continuing studies).

It can be opened from birth by the parents. The amounts saved are then blocked until the child turns 18. Withdrawals are possible provided that the plan has been kept for 5 years. It can be opened by a young adult up to the age of 21 or even 25 (student). When the holder turns 30, the PEAC is closed.

The payment ceiling is set at 22,950 euros and the winnings are completely exempt. (social security contributions and taxes), like the Livret A. Savings are invested in supports used to finance projects linked to the ecological transition, which do not offer capital guarantee… And the capital will be managed by default in managed management (like the PER).

Increase in the attack tax on car and home insurance contracts

An “attack tax” is levied on each property insurance contract (home, car, motorcycle, etc.) to finance the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism and Other Offenses (FGTI). Au 1is July 2024, this annual contribution increases from €5.90 to €6.50an increase of 60 cents per contract per year.

The increase in this tax should make it possible to reduce the deficit of the guarantee fund, which exceeded 5 billion euros at the end of 2022, and whose scope is regularly expanded.

Commercial practices: consumer information on “re-flation”

“Shrinkflation” or “reduction” (contraction of the words reduction and inflation) consists of reducing the quantity of a product without lowering its price proportionally, or even increasing it. This is, for example, reducing the number of cakes in a box, without reducing its price on the shelf.

This practice of “reduflation” is now regulated, to better inform consumers. From 1is July 2024, Large and medium-sized stores will have to clearly indicate the upward trend in the prices of consumer products that have suffered a drop in quantityDistributors will have to affix a sign near the product concerned, with the words “ For this product, the quantity sold increased from X to Y and its price per (unit of measurement concerned) increased by …% or …€. » This information must remain visible for 2 months. It does not concern preparations from the catering sections and foodstuffs sold in bulk.

Summer sales 2024, until July 23

THE summer sales 2024 occur from Wednesday June 26 to Tuesday July 23, 2024 in the evening, in stores and on online merchant sites, in the majority of French departments.

During this period, sale items must display the original sale price and the sale price (or the percentage off offered). Only items on sale and paid for at least one month before the start of the sales can be offered on sale. If the merchant is selling only part of his stock, he must clearly display the distinction between sale items and non-sale items.



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