Victor Orban draws inspiration from Trump’s slogan to preside over the EU

Victor Orban draws inspiration from Trump’s slogan to preside over the EU
Victor Orban draws inspiration from Trump’s slogan to preside over the EU

Donald Trump and Victor Orban.Keystone

The press could not help but allude to the friendship between Donald Trump and Victor Orban during the announcement on Tuesday of the new EU slogan, which strongly recalls the famous “MAGA” of the former -American president.

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Hungary, which takes over the rotating presidency of the EU at the beginning of July, unveiled the broad outlines of its program on Tuesday, flanked by a Trumpian slogan: “Make Europe Great Again”.

“Our motto refers to the idea of ​​an active, hands-on presidency, to the fact that we are stronger together, while respecting our identity,” declared European Affairs Minister Janos Boka, during a conference of press in Budapest.

Asked about the links with the MAGA movement (“Make America Great Again”) of the former American president, he responded with a joke. “To my knowledge, Donald Trump never wanted to make Europe strong”he joked.

Nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who visited his billionaire “friend” again in March, is a fervent support of the Republican candidate and hopes for his return to the White House after the November presidential election.

Conflict with Brussels

In addition to this slogan, the Central European country of 9.6 million inhabitants has defined seven priorities, such as strengthening the competitiveness of the bloc or fighting against illegal immigration, one of the nationalist government’s hobbyhorses.

Hungary had previously held the rotating presidency in the first half of 2011. Viktor Orban was already in power, but since then relations with Brussels have become even more strained and there are numerous disagreements.

The prospect of seeing the leader in charge arouses unease in several member states, due to the anti-democratic excesses of Budapest and its links with the Kremlin.

Hungary is in conflict with Brussels over failings in the fight against corruption and media independence. And the EU in response suspended billions of euros in European funds that were to be paid to this country.

Switzerland in the program

Of the 41 pages of the program, almost a quarter is devoted to relations between the EU and Switzerland. The two parties are important political and economic partners, with strong cross-border trade relations and significant cooperation in research and innovation, it says.

Currently, Switzerland and the EU are negotiating an agreement aimed at redefining their common relations. The discussions are based on what is called a Common Understanding, adopted by both parties.

From the perspective of the Hungarian Presidency, the discussions contribute to the strengthening, modernization and development of bilateral relations. Hungary says it is ready, in its program, to support the new phase of relations between Switzerland and the EU.

No exceptions

Furthermore, since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, Orban has refused to help kyiv militarily, blames the policy of sanctions against Moscow and continues to castigate Brussels, accused of wanting to drag Europe into a “global conflagration”.

The EU Council, in which the ministers of the member states debate European legislation, is chaired in turn for six months by each of the 27 countries of the bloc, which then provide the impetus.

The EU Treaty, which establishes the principle of “equal rotation” between member states for this presidency, does not provide for any exceptions to the rule. (jch/ats)

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