extracts from Simone de Beauvoir or John Stuart Mill… Candidates take the philosophy test in Guyana and the West Indies

extracts from Simone de Beauvoir or John Stuart Mill… Candidates take the philosophy test in Guyana and the West Indies
extracts from Simone de Beauvoir or John Stuart Mill… Candidates take the philosophy test in Guyana and the West Indies

You have four hours. “May I know if I’m right ?”, “Does error bring us closer to the truth ?”… Final year students in Guyana and the West Indies began working on the baccalaureate philosophy test on Tuesday June 18. They are among more than 540,000 candidates from the general and technological sectors.

>> Bac 2024: find all the results from July 8

The written test started at 8 a.m. (local time) and these final year students, as well as independent candidates, must cover one of the topics proposed among two essays and an explanation of the text. This live is now over.

Event completed in mainland France, Reunion Island and Mayotte. The candidates in these territories took the philosophy baccalaureate on Tuesday morning. They had the following essay topics to choose from: “Can science satisfy our need for truth?” Or “Does the state owe us anything?” in general, and “Is nature hostile to man?” Or “Is the artist master of his work?” in technology. The text comments focused on an extract from Simone Weil on one side, from Plato on the other.

The return of all written tests in June. After philosophy, the candidates will take the written specialty tests between Wednesday and Friday, then the grand oral between June 24 and July 3. Enough to mark the big return of specialty events in June, and no longer in March. This calendar, desired by the former Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, had been criticized as a source of absenteeism and demotivation among certain students, sometimes assured of obtaining their diploma even before the last term.

Journey up in the minds. For some students, however, revising for the exam was difficult, as the new timetable overlapped with that of Parcoursup. Training admission results indeed fall in droplets since May 30. In what state of mind does one take their baccalaureate when the higher education platform has already delivered a negative or uncertain verdict? “It demobilized them, they have a very strong feeling of failure”testifies on franceinfo Virginie Pregny, English teacher at Henri-Bergson high school, in Paris.

The first year students have already worked on writing French. Olympe de Gouges, François Rabelais, Wajdi Mouawad… QSome 535,000 first-year general or technological students have already taken the French baccalaureate on Friday. They are now focusing on oral, the dates of which are set by each academy.



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