Eid El Kébir: a day of prayer and sharing for the Muslims of Reunion

Eid El Kébir: a day of prayer and sharing for the Muslims of Reunion
Eid El Kébir: a day of prayer and sharing for the Muslims of Reunion

This June 18, the Muslim community of Reunion celebrates Eid El Kébir. A festival which commemorates the sacrifice requested by God from Abraham. A moment of fervor for the faithful gathered at the Champ Fleuri velodrome, just before daybreak. In families, we also respect the tradition of animal sacrifice.

Adjaya Hoarau / Harry Amourani

Published on June 18, 2024 at 5:01 p.m.,
updated June 18, 2024 at 5:16 p.m.

This festival of sacrifice, which reminds us that Abraham was ready to give his son’s life for God, is one of the most important for the Muslim community.

In Saint Denis the meeting was at the Champ Fleuri velodrome. Nearly 1,800 faithful gathered, like every year, shortly before daybreak. A highlight of the Muslim religion.

The Muslim community gathered in several towns on the island for a large open-air prayer.

(Re)see the report from Réunion La 1ère:

Since this morning, the faithful of the Muslim community have been gathering for the great prayer of Eid El Kébir

©Reunion 1ère

It is one of the two most important holidays in the Islamic calendar. It commemorates, according to tradition, the sacrifice that Abraham almost made, ready to sacrifice his son before the angel Gabriel offered to kill a sheep in his place.

He received the order from God, who tested him. We must test and sacrifice our ego for God.

Reshad Ravate, president of the Muslim voluntary mutual aid association

The festival takes place over several days, also with the sacrifice of oxen, goats or sheep. This morning, there was excitement in the Ravate family in Saint-Denis. HASAt the end of the alley which opens onto rue Félix Guyon, a large car park and nearly 200 guests, grouped around the animals ready to be sacrificed: four oxen and four kids.

The first ox is tied up, turned on its back then sacrificed.

We are lucky to be able to continue to make sacrifices in Reunion and also correctly. My father gave me the habit of doing it, it hasn’t changed since then, we continue.

Adam Ravate, Dionysian businessman

The meat is then shared with relatives or people in need. Sacrifice, for the community, revives the spirit of fraternity, mutual aid and solidarity. Eid El Kébir celebrations continue until Thursday.



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