is Western Europe still reliable?

is Western Europe still reliable?
is Western Europe still reliable?

It’s an Emmanuel Macron with a black eye who appears on the front page of the Polish weekly Wprost, on a European banner background. Conservative in tendency, the publication is concerned about the future composition of the French National Assembly, following a dissolution motivated by the low score of the French president’s list (14.6%) during the European elections of 9 June, facing a National Rally (RN) more popular than ever, prancing at 31%. The weekly also recalls that in Germany Olaf Scholz’s coalition suffered a serious setback in the face of the push from the conservatives of the CDU and the far right of the AfD.

“The dizzying successes of the protesting right-wing parties in the west of the European Union make legitimate the question which, until recently, was posed to us with a barely concealed feeling of superiority: do you still share, at the “west, our common European values, or should you be excluded from European Union funding and voting rights via a cordon santé?” asks the editor-in-chief of Wprost in its editorial, referring to the financial penalties imposed on the Viktor Orbán regime and its Polish allies, the national conservative PiS (Law and Justice), for their repeated violations of the rule of law. The PiS, which governed for eight years in Warsaw, lost power in December 2023, facing the pro-European coalition of Donald Tusk.

The fate of the European Union

“The political mainstream in Western Europe has suffered a serious political blow, heralding what until now seemed to be reserved for the supposedly dysfunctional and immature democracies of Central Europe,” continues the author, who recalls that “the fate of the Union rests in the hands of the governments of key Member States”, including France and Germany, those whose leaders could therefore change “faster than you think”.

This could be the case in France if the party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella won the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. “Rumours emanating from French government circles say that, convinced of his greatness and his infallibility, Macron has gone too far and has become a liability rather than an asset at the start of the campaign. And this does not bode well for the election results,” gets alarmed Wprost.

[…] Read more on International Mail

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