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What is the risk of cheating at the baccalaureate?

What is the risk of cheating at the baccalaureate?
What is the risk of cheating at the baccalaureate?

A cheat sheet, a discreetly consulted cell phone or a glanced copy of a neighbor… In the exam, the attempt to cheat can sometimes be strong, at the risk and peril of the candidate, who, if unmasked, is exposed to a possible heavy penalty.

Some have already taken the plunge, others are getting ready to take the plunge. After the Première students, who gave the start with French, on Friday, it is the turn of the Terminale to enter the 2024 baccalaureate, with the philosophy test, this Tuesday, June 18.

Often a stressful time for high school students, the temptation to cheat can become stronger and stronger as exams approach. Cheat sheets rolled up in the pencil case or written on a fake draft sheet, formulas entered into the calculator, mobile phone hidden under the copy or consulted during a bathroom break, or even whispered responses to a friend… These options are also tempting. whatever they may be, cheating on an exam can cost a candidate a lot.

Thus, recalls the service-public site, “if you cheat during an assessment punctual (continuous assessment) or a final baccalaureate exam, you are committing fraud.” Any person caught in the act of fraud or attempted fraud risks disciplinary and criminal sanctions.

The following actions are considered fraud:

  • Being replaced by another person during an event
  • Use a device allowing you to exchange or consult information (smartphone, connected watch for example)
  • Use a device that allows you to listen to audio files
  • Communicate with other candidates during the test
  • Using a calculator without permission
  • Use paper or documents other than those provided by the administration
  • Commit a plagiarism

Please note that failure to follow certain instructions during the exam may also constitute an attempt at fraud, points out the service-public site; and that fraud can also be committed outside the framework of tests and assessments.

As an example, in particular, the case of fraud involving grade reporting tools: a candidate who uses a teacher’s identifiers on an application to modify one or more continuous assessment grades is in fact committing fraud.

When a candidate is caught in the act of fraud or attempted fraud, the room supervisor responsible for the room is required to intervene to put an end to it. The student can complete his composition – except in the event of actions which disrupt the evaluation, in which case the head of the examination center may decide to expel him -, but the documents or materials which will make it possible to establish the reality of the facts (a cheat sheet for example) are entered, and the supervisor must draw up a report describing the behavior observed.

Said document must subsequently be signed by the candidate concerned, as well as by the other supervisors in the room. If the student refuses to sign, the supervisor must indicate this in the report. This is then transmitted to the rector, who can decide to abandon the proceedings, to refer the matter to the baccalaureate disciplinary committee, or to summon the candidate when he plans to sanction him with a reprimand or deprivation of any mention in the diploma.

For these last two options, the summons from the rector or the disciplinary committee is sent by registered letter to the candidate, indicating the alleged facts. The latter may in return present written or oral observations, and may be assisted or represented.

Pending the decision of the rector or the commission, the student cannot obtain the results of his exam, nor enroll in a public higher education establishment.

If the fraud is committed outside the framework of the evaluation, it is the head of the establishment who writes an incident report, again transmitted to the rector, who initiates the same procedure.

Any fraudster risks disciplinary sanction. The rector can choose to sanction him with a reprimand or deprivation of any mention in the diploma. The academic disciplinary committee may also impose the following sanctions:

  • A blame
  • A deprivation of any mention in the diploma
  • The ban on participating in any National Education exam for a maximum of 5 years (baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate)
  • The ban on enroll in a public higher education establishment for a maximum of 5 years

The sanction is accompanied in all cases of the cancellation of the test during which the fraud took place, recalls the service-public site. The candidate will therefore have 0 in the test concerned. Depending on the case, the commission may also declare the entire examination null and void. You will then have to retake all the tests to obtain the baccalaureate.

Candidates have two months following the academic decision to appeal the decision to the administrative court.

Finally, baccalaureate fraud is also considered a crime and in this context can lead to criminal sanctions. Thus, a fraudster and his accomplices risk fines of up to 9,000 euros and 3 years of imprisonment.



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