Floods in Angers. A call launched to collect testimonies

Floods in Angers. A call launched to collect testimonies
Floods in Angers. A call launched to collect testimonies


APEI Press Agency

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 3:49 p.m.

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30 years ago, Angers and the lower Angevin valleys experienced a raw unprecedented. On the morning of January 30, 1995, Maine reached 6.69 meters at the Verdun bridge, Angers.

This story, and that of the flooding of the territory in general, the Mixed union of the lower Angevin valleys and Romme (SMBVAR) wishes to tell it during an event which will be organized in 2025, for the 30th anniversary of the so-called “flood of the century”.

What is the Mixed Union of the Lower Angevin Valleys and Romme (SMBVAR)

The union’s perimeter extends over five main hydrographic entities: Loir, Sarthe, Mayenne, Maine and Romme representing an area of ​​approximately 1,500 km². Its role: flood prevention, part of the Syndicate’s perimeter is classified as an area with significant flood risks (more than 10,000 people affected), places of biodiversity, improvement of water quality, landscape quality, and leisure practices that are fishing, walking, hunting…

Testimonies to be submitted until July 12

Residents who own photos or videos of flooding are invited to send them by email or to contact the joint union for documents that are not digitized.

Testimonies can be submitted until July 12.

Videos: currently on Actu

Photos and videos may relate to 1995 or any other flood, older or more recent. The objective is to preserve the memory of these events and participate in the culture of risk around flooding.

Contact Lucas Guillou on 02 41 05 45 63. To submit your testimonials: [email protected]

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