Between a hard place and a hammer: can Macron regain control from the far center?

Between a hard place and a hammer: can Macron regain control from the far center?
Between a hard place and a hammer: can Macron regain control from the far center?

This anecdote of a “ unpinned grenade » cynically thrown by Macron at the legs of his adversaries is undoubtedly as apocryphal as the gospel of Judas, but we still have the impression that a cluster bomb has just shattered on an already fairly atomized political landscape. .

And if opinions still differ on the advisability of dissolving the Assembly just a few weeks before the opening of the Olympic Games, it does not seem, at this stage, that the presidential camp has come out particularly perked up.

Looking at the polls, it would even be quite the opposite.

But, as we have seen, everything is going very quickly now, and it’s really going in all directions: the mini Fort-Chabrol at LR headquarters, the night of the long knives among the Insoumis, the irruption of Hollande, of Jospin and Mbappé in the debate, did you foresee them? This campaign may be short, but it will seem long all the same…

Because between an officially united left but in reality more divided than a 1000 piece carp and rabbit puzzle and an extreme right so far incapable of bringing back anything other than a handful of ciottists and marshalists in its drifting nets, the specialist in ” at the same time” is undoubtedly counting on the reconstitution of a relatively majority central bloc which would give it back a hand lost from the start of the legislature.

Thus, that one melenchonade too many, the day after July 30 but it could happen before, sends the New Nupes to the cemetery, PS, Greens and communists then regaining their freedom, and that the “reasonable” Republicans, tired of being sent back to the margins and fearing to disappear, decided to join, at least piecemeal, the Renaissance galaxy, and it would be 2017 all over again.

Proportionality without proportionalism, what…

The problem is that it would be of little or no use: the reasons why the RN became the first political force in the country would not be eliminated, the radical left would continue to put the souk in the street and in the bays, the resentment of those who thought they were winners and found themselves cuckolded would be immense… And we would have to wait a minimum of a year for a new dissolution to take place.

There would remain the option of resignation of the president himself, of course, but this grenade, certainly not in plaster for the moment, we bet that he is not ready to pull it out.



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