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What book is the series adapted from?

What book is the series adapted from?
What book is the series adapted from?

By Boris S

– Published on June 17, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

House of the Dragon is set in the Game of Thrones universe. But which book by George RR Martin is the series based on?

This Monday, June 17, the Max platform (available via Canal+ and Prime Video) posted the first episode of season 2 of House of the Dragon. The sequel to the spin-off of Game Of Thrones will probably provide answers to questions left unanswered for almost two years. Among the new features, let’s mention the arrival of “young” recruits like Gayle Rankin (Alys Rivers), Simon Russell Beale (Ses Simon Strong), Freddie Fox (Sir Dwayne Hightower) and Abubakar Salim (Alyn). reserved many other surprises.

House of the Dragon: a more ambitious season 2?

In an interview with France Info, the co-creator of the series Ryan Condal reveals that he was inspired by British medieval history to design the storyline of season 2. “The particular period we cover is strongly based on the English Anarchy period. I was fascinated by this moment in history, he explains. Even if the world that Georges writes [R.R. Martin, ndrl] is brutal, when you read the medieval history behind it you realize that people were not kind to each other.”

Beyond the violence, this new burst of episodes promises more dragon battles.“If we can be realistic with giant flying dragons, specifies Ryan Condal to our colleagues. In any case, we wanted to be as faithful as possible to the worlds we created. We wanted something that no one had ever seen before.” An original work that takes its roots in the writings of George RR Martin.

House of the Dragon: what book is it?

House of the Dragon East the adaptation of Fire and Blood by George RR Martin, published in 2018. The novel divided into three chronicle volumes the history of House Targaryen200 years before the events recounted in Game Of Thrones. Please note that its serial adaptation only covers the second part of the first volume. The author narrates the rise and fall of the great dynasty of Westeros but also civil war passed down to posterity under the name of “Dance of the Dragons”.

George RR Martin is not yet done with his Iron Throne. Its readers are impatiently awaiting the publication of next chapter of the saga, The Wind of Winter, the writing of which began in 2012, more than ten years ago. Not long ago, the writer revealed that he had completed his writing at 75%, with a view to a release in 2025. However, there was no question of him giving in to pressure from fans. “I’m twelve years late as everyone knows. I’ll just get it published eventually and you don’t have to pester me about it”he said in an interview with the novelist Cassandra Clare last year.

A new Game of Thrones spin-off after House of The Dragon?

The novelist George RR Martin has an inexhaustible imagination. At the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, the father of Iron Throne announced on his personal blog that he had started writinga new spin-off called 10,000 Ships. This spin-off series follows the dangerous journey of warrior princess Nymeria and her people aboard 10,000 ships set sail for the land of Dorne, approximately 1000 years after the events recounted in Game Of Thrones.

Abandoned, the project has just been relaunched by the American channel HBO. In his blog, George RR Martin informs that the writing of the pilot was entrusted to American playwright Eboni Boothwinner of the Pullizter Prize for her play Primary Trust. “She is a very talented young screenwriter, and it is a pleasure to work with her, enthuses the novelist. We’re very excited about this project…even if we wonder how we’re going to pay to bring out 10…ships, 300 dragons, and these giant turtles.” A spin-off whose ambition promises to be completely crazy, once again!



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