Vannetais Xavier Le Maux publishes a new collection of poetry: “Feux tricolores”

Vannetais Xavier Le Maux publishes a new collection of poetry: “Feux tricolores”
Vannetais Xavier Le Maux publishes a new collection of poetry: “Feux tricolores”

Xavier Le Maux is convinced of this: “a lot of things happen when you stop, in front of the traffic lights: glances exchanged, things you see and things you don’t see”. Sometimes the rain gets involved, creating opalescent reflections on the windshields. It is the photo of one of these singular moments that the Vannes resident chose to illustrate the cover of his new collection of poetry “Feux tricolores” published by Edilivre.

His forty texts, titled according to his emotions, “Beyond appearances; Our eager dreams; Casting off the moorings”, tell the stories of life in jerky flashes, while sketching an inventory of existence. These are dark and rather negative views inspired by the music of Alain Bashung, Daniel Darc or Nicolas Comment.

“Like the lyrics of a song, I use repetitions like refrains and I repeat certain passages to better explain the whole text,” emphasizes Xavier Le Maux. “The sunny outlook of writing doesn’t appeal to me at all,” he adds.

At 53, the author, a night watchman by profession, has already published two books and intends to persevere “If only to continue the journey and reach the end of the reflection”.


“Feux Tricolores” is available on the Edilivre website and to order in bookstores. €11.



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