Vanessa Paradis shares her secret for a flat stomach

Vanessa Paradis shares her secret for a flat stomach
Vanessa Paradis shares her secret for a flat stomach

Published on June 17, 2024 at 12:04 p.m.

Vanessa Paradis shares her secret for a flat stomach – © OLIVIER BORDE / BESTIMAGE

In an interview with “Vogue” magazine, the singer revealed her tip which gives her energy and gives her a flat stomach. We copy!

His words are rare. So, when she distills her beauty secrets, we listen attentively. Her healthy-looking tip, her fitness and anti-stress advice… Vanessa Paradis revealed to “Vogue” her routine for staying in shape. And the least we can say is that the actress knows how to combine pleasure and effort with disconcerting ease. So we follow the guide.

At 51, Vanessa Paradis does not want to delay the effects of time or become younger. Living with one’s age seems to be his leitmotif. However, the singer has a very specific beauty routine. His anti-fatigue gesture? Ice cubes on the face. His favorite product? Collosol no-rinse cleansing milk. Her favorite makeup? Coal black eyes. And in terms of form, Lily-Rose Depp’s mother is not left out.

Also read: I am a yoga teacher and here are my 4 tips for a toned stomach

Vanessa Paradis’ flat stomach tip

It’s no secret that the singer of “Joe the Taxi” is a sportswoman. Proof of this is that she has been practicing the floor bar since she was five years old. But be careful, the pretty blonde is not one of those who lives at the gym. “I sometimes practice 1 hour 5 times a week, sometimes not at all for 2 months, depending on tours, filming… and how lazy I am,” she explains to “Vogue”.

On the food side, same fight. If Vanessa Paradis says she loves dark chocolate, almonds and even ham and butter shells, she also has a special diet that gives her energy and a flat stomach. On the menu: a hot lemon on an empty stomach, but also the elimination of dairy products and wheat for a few days. “I have a flat stomach and crazy energy,” she says. To be tested, therefore.



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