Legislative elections live: the complete list of candidates in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var, sports personalities call to vote “against the extreme right”… follow the latest information

Legislative elections live: the complete list of candidates in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var, sports personalities call to vote “against the extreme right”… follow the latest information
Legislative elections live: the complete list of candidates in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var, sports personalities call to vote “against the extreme right”… follow the latest information

Dissident candidates on the left, local alliances between the right and the majority, rallying of LR to the RN… everything should be known on Sunday evening, if not necessarily clear after several days of confusion.

Across the country, 640,000 people demonstrated, including 250,000 in Paris, according to the CGT union, against the far right. Figures far below the mobilization of May 1, 2002, when more than a million people took to the streets to say “no” to the National Front after Jean-Marie Le Pen qualified for the second round of the presidential election. Other gatherings are planned for this Sunday, June 16.

Gabriel Attal promised on Saturday several measures in favor of purchasing power in the event of victory for the presidential camp in the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, where the far right is the favorite.

For his part, the captain of the French men’s football team Kylian Mbappé declared on Sunday that he was “against extremes, ideas that divide” about the next legislative elections, which will take place on June 30 and July 7.

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10:26 a.m.: “The Republic is threatened,” says the president of the Comorians of the Côte d’Azur

Since the political earthquake of June 9, and the dissolution pronounced by Emmanuel Macron, Nadjim Maecha, president of the Nice Côte d’Azur Comorian community, has been on deck. According to him, “Everyone must take responsibility” facing the threat of extremes.

9:20 a.m.: LFI announces a candidacy against an outgoing PCF elected official in Seine-Saint-Denis

The radical left movement announced late Sunday evening that it would nominate a candidate, Mohamed Awad, in its own name, without the “New Popular Front” seal, in this constituency.

As part of the agreement between the different left-wing parties, this constituency goes to the Communists who have an outgoing MP there, Soumya Bourouaha.

LFI’s announcement comes after the PCF mayor of Bobigny, Abdel Sadi, decided to be the substitute for outgoing MP Raquel Garrido in the fifth constituency of this department, while she is running against a candidate chosen by LFI.

“We have constantly asked the PCF to respect the principle of single candidacy. In vain. Their choice of division in Seine-Saint-Denis forces us to this decision, which we would have liked not to have had to make”indicates outgoing deputy Paul Vannier, member of the LFI management.

“We are ready to withdraw this candidacy if the PCF gives up supporting the dissidents in the New Popular Front in Seine-Saint-Denis”adds Paul Vannier.

9:15 a.m.: questions you have about the elections

Will there be election posters in the streets of my city? Leaflets in my mailbox? Who pays for organizing the vote? 14 days before the first round of the 2024 early legislative elections, here are the answers to the questions you are asking yourself about this extraordinary election.

9 a.m.: the majority will support the right-wing competitor against Hollande, according to Attal

The outgoing presidential majority will not present a candidate for the legislative elections in around sixty constituencies, including that of former socialist president François Hollande, where it will support the right-wing candidate, Gabriel Attal said on Monday on RTL.

François Hollande, who is running in the 2nd constituency of Corrèze, is “candidate in the France Insoumise alliance and therefore obviously, it is not this alliance that we want to see win for the country”specified Gabriel Attal, for whom “there are other candidates in the constituency (of François Hollande, editor’s note) more likely to avoid the victory of the RN”. He cited Francis Dubois, right-wing candidate, “who allows it under better conditions”.

According to Gabriel Attal, “there are three choices. There is the alliance led by La France insoumise, there is the alliance led by the National Rally, the extremes, which would be a catastrophe in terms of the social climate (…) and which would result in a bloodletting for our middle classes”and one “third block”that of the presidential camp.

8:53 a.m.: for Olivier Faure, Jérôme Guedj is “the candidate of the Popular Front”

The boss of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure affirmed Monday that he considered Jérôme Guedj, socialist candidate for the legislative elections in Essonne, as that of the New Popular Front, although he refuses this label due to the violence of the LFI attacks including he was the subject.

“The Popular Front candidate in this constituency is Jérôme Guedj, and he is the only one who can have our support”, said the first secretary of the PS on franceinfo. The outgoing MP will face a Generations candidate, Hella Kribi-Romdhane, who has announced she is running “in the name of the New Popular Front” with a substitute from France Insoumise (LFI).

For the socialist leader, the candidates facing Jérôme Guedj in the 6th constituency of Essonne “do not have the support of the Popular Front, they have put themselves in dissidence”.

7:43 a.m.: the list of candidates declared for Var

From Wednesday June 12 to Sunday June 16, the prefecture services recorded 57 applications submitted for the first round of the early legislative elections on June 30.

Here is the list of known and declared candidates. A list which remains provisional until its national publication on the website of the Ministry of the Interior and until the publication of the prefectural decree on the website of the Var prefecture.

7:37 a.m.: the complete list of candidates in the Alpes-Maritimes

Candidates for the first round of legislative elections (June 30) had until 6 p.m. this Sunday to declare themselves to the prefecture. The Alpes-Maritimes prefecture has published the complete list.

7:08 a.m.: LR propels a novice against Éric Ciotti in the Alpes-Maritimes

The national Republican nomination commission this Sunday designated a political novice, Virgile Vanier, to face the outgoing Eric Ciotti in the 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes.

6:51 a.m.: Kylian Mbappé calls on “young people” to vote

France team captain Kylian Mbappé said on Sunday be “against extremes, ideas that divide” about the next legislative elections, which will take place on June 30 and July 7.

Without clearly taking a position for this or that camp, the Blues striker, present at a press conference on the eve of the entry into the running of the vice-world champions at Euro-2024 against Austria, also defended his teammate Marcus Thuramasserting that“he didn’t go too far” explaining on Saturday that it was necessary “fight so that the RN does not pass”.

Find our live from Saturday June 15 here



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