Ép regard: on the occasion of an open day, the history of “K Unique” put under the microscope

Ép regard: on the occasion of an open day, the history of “K Unique” put under the microscope
Ép regard: on the occasion of an open day, the history of “K Unique” put under the microscope


Eva Morvany

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

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Do the residents of Épgard (Eure) know that a “well-being” concept is found in their municipality? This is what is proposed Karine Kulhanecksports coach for sixteen years, with his “fitness space K Unique ”, halfway between individual coaching and the classic “gym”. On the occasion of a open day organized on June 20, 2024a look back at the history of “K Unique” is necessary.

A sixteen year old concept

The concept of “K Unique” saw the light of day in 2008, at the Neubourg battlefield golf course (Eure). Karine Kulhaneck offered group classes in step, aerobics, and zumba. “The goal was for it not to be impersonal like a gym,” she explains. The singularities of “K Unique” appear, with individual support supplemented by the use of Power Plate machines.

In addition to Power Plate machines, Karine Kulhaneck highlights bodyweight strength training. It allows you to put your clients to work without too much risk. ©Photo sent by Karine Kulhaneck

Power Plate machines

These fitness devices are supposed to work all of the muscles thanks to vibrations and accelerations. However, they are not unanimous in the sporting and medical world. They can cause injury, especially when used by poorly trained people. This is not the case of the sports coach from Épépine who, after obtaining her state certificate for sports instructor in fitness professions in 2005, completed her training with a Power Plate coaching certification.

In 2015, the young woman decided not to renew her professional lease.

I wanted total independence, not to depend on anything or anyone.

Karine Kulhanec

So, she relocated “K Unique” to Épépine, and installed it in her living room.

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Doing inclusive sport

Group lessons are abandoned, and the focus is placed on specialized support. Karine Kulhanec wants to allow people with health concerns to (re)start sport. Already graduated from Back School (a training organization for physiotherapists specializing in the prevention of back pain and chronic lower back pain) in 2006, she followed, in 2013, qualifying professional training onsupervision of people suffering from cardiac pathologies at the regional sports and health action and training center.

Meticulous support

Karine Kulhanec succeeds in building a diverse clientele, ranging from high-level athletes such as racing drivers Joran Leneutre, to people suffering from pathologies. After an initial meeting with the person where the coach finds out about the client’s background, health, and objectives, the fitness trainer thinks about the most appropriate exercises to offer.

It is this aspect of support that he sorely missed when he started out in the professional world. “Before becoming self-employed, I worked in a gym in Rouen,” explains the young woman. And it was complicated, because I didn’t have the time to really support people. » It was this experience that motivated him to become self-employed in 2008.

K Unique - Karine Kulhaneck - Épépine
Clients, although having different goals and abilities, can train together. ©Photo sent by Karine Kulhaneck

How it works:

In order to truly be able to support customers, “K unique” works by sessions of ten. Their duration is generallyone houralthough it may vary according to needs.

The gym, first set up in Karine Kulhaneck’s living room, has become an independent space in her garden, and can accommodate up to four people. Every ten sessions, the sports coach checks in with her clients again.

Real support that costs a certain price: if the first session is free, the others are done from 33 €.

An upcoming open day

After an inauguration on June 7 alongside around a hundred people, the sports coach will organize an open day on June 20, 2024. The opportunity for the most curious to chat with the sports trainer, and to test the vibrations of the Power Plate machines themselves.

8 rue du Cornet Puison, in Épépine. Session from €33, by appointment only, on 06 27 99 04 32. Find “K Unique” on Facebook: K Unique, or on Instagram: k_unique27

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