In Saint-Lô, World Blood Donor Day takes on the colors of the 80th D-Day

In Saint-Lô, World Blood Donor Day takes on the colors of the 80th D-Day
In Saint-Lô, World Blood Donor Day takes on the colors of the 80th D-Day

The Saint-Lô exhibition center (Manche) welcomed the Association of Volunteer Blood Donors (ADSB) on Friday June 14, 2024 for a blood donation day.

See as well. VIDEO. The 5 news of the week to remember in Normandy

The space was organized for samples and restoration in an atmosphere “80e anniversary of the Landing ».

Decorations, music and period costumes were present. “It’s World Blood Donor Day, declares Jacques Cottebrune, president of the Departmental Union of Volunteer Blood Donors and president of the Normandy Regional Committee. We had to have a festive event to thank the donors. » “Some of the staff come from Caen (Calvados)specifies Doctor Muriel Blaison. We hope to collect 200 bags of blood. Current stock ensures less than ten days. We would need twelve days of stock. »

Jacques Cottebrune adds: “We’re going to need it for the Olympic Games. There are always good results in the Channel, which helps to compensate in other regions. »

Read also: Blood donation in Saint-Lô: two days to “have a sufficient stock before summer”

Kate Lynn Dutreix and Marian Manini, student nurses at Saint-Lô, received a first donor diploma. Jacqueline Heller, president of the Saint-Lô association, pampers them. “We have to thank them, it’s for a good cause. »



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