the shadow of the National Rally hangs over the right to housing day

the shadow of the National Rally hangs over the right to housing day
the shadow of the National Rally hangs over the right to housing day

Obviously rushed. Saturday June 15, Housing Rights Day was supposed to be a space for reflection. The Alda event turned into a cry of protest against the far right. Between 1,800 and 3,700 demonstrators…

Obviously rushed. Saturday June 15, Housing Rights Day was supposed to be a space for reflection. The Alda event turned into a cry of protest against the far right. Between 1,800 and 3,700 demonstrators marched through the streets of Bayonne in the morning. There were nearly 400 people in Patxa Square, at the end of the afternoon, to support a “unitary appeal against the RN (National Rally) threat on the right to housing”.

“The National Rally, through its past votes, its current program and the interests it defends, represents an unprecedented threat to the right to housing”

Eight associations (Alda, Atherbea, Bizi, the National Confederation of Tenants 64, the Trade Union Confederation of Families, the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Habitat and Humanism and the Herrian Bizi platform) co-signed a text affirming “that the National Rally, through its past votes , its current program and the interests it defends represents an unprecedented threat to the right to housing.

SRU law

The collective points out in particular the desire of the RN to “empty the SRU law of its content”, which would worsen the production of social housing, already in shortage. “The alliance between the RN and the lobbies of multi-owners or Aribnb, which we noted during the parliamentary debates, carries new abuses,” warn the signatories. In the Basque Country, around a third of the 220,000 available housing units are little or not occupied (vacant, secondary or tourist housing).

The scarcity of goods is causing prices to skyrocket. “The experiment in rent control was to come into force in 2025. Had to, because depending on the result of the legislative elections, we are no longer sure of anything”, Léa Dallemane, coordinator of social housing at Alda, during a conference held in the afternoon, in front of a full amphitheater.

General delegate of the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Christophe Robert also expressed his “very deep” concern about the arrival of the RN to power.



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