“After the Courbevoie tragedy, what can we do about sexual violence against very young people?”

“After the Courbevoie tragedy, what can we do about sexual violence against very young people?”
“After the Courbevoie tragedy, what can we do about sexual violence against very young people?”

TRIBUNE – The rape of a Jewish teenager by two 13-year-old boys in Courbevoie is not an isolated event, while 46% of the perpetrators of sexual violence are minors, underlines the child psychiatrist*. A reality which requires us to rethink the criminal responsibility of children, he argues.

*Maurice Berger has notably published “On gratuitous violence in France” (L’Artilleur, 2019) and “Conflictual separation of parents. What type of care for the child? (Dunod, 2023).

The gang rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in Courbevoie provokes fear and anger, by its intolerable anti-Semitic dimension, and by the importance of the probable psychological after-effects in this young girl who, despite her pleas, had to allow herself to be penetrated. through different orifices of her body under penalty of being burned alive.

Even outside of this context, a sexual assault committed by such young people is not a news item, but a social fact. 46% of perpetrators of sexual violence (often against other minors) are minors, of whom 27% are under 13 years old (2021 figures). Knowing that there were 26,816 rapes in 2023, this represents thousands of young people under the age of 13 having committed rape this year. Let us note in passing the lowering of the age of delinquents in general…

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