Baccalaureate 2024: reprimand, fine, prison… what students risk by cheating on exams

Baccalaureate 2024: reprimand, fine, prison… what students risk by cheating on exams
Baccalaureate 2024: reprimand, fine, prison… what students risk by cheating on exams


Laurene Fertin

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 10:27 a.m.

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The starting signal is given for the 2024 baccalaureate exams. Friday June 14, 2024, the 390,000 students first grades worked on the anticipated written French tests, before the final grades moved on to philosophy on Tuesday 18th.

If the course provided during the year and revisions undertaken by baccalaureate graduates must make it possible to successfully complete the tests, there is also a (much less elegant) way to shine: cheating.

Paper or cell phone hidden in the pencil case, answers whispered by a friend… Who has never thought of it? Be careful, however: for the baccalaureate, the sanctions incurred in the event of fraud are severe if we get caught red-handed.

What facts are considered fraud?

As the Ministry of National Education reminds us, exam fraud is characterized by:

  • Communicate with other candidates during the tests;
  • Use information, of material or some documents not authorized by the subject or
    regulations ;
  • All substitution of person (in other words, put another candidate in his place).
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If the attempted fraud is ever proven, or in the event of flagrante delicto, “the supervisor responsible for the room takes the necessary measures to put an end to it,” adds the Ministry of National Education.

The candidate continues his composition, except in the event of substitution of person or problem affecting the progress of the test.

Ministry of Education

An oral deposition is then drawn up and countersigned by the other supervisors and the student affected by the fraud. This is then sent to the rector in order to initiate an academic disciplinary committee.

At this time, “no certificate of success or transcript is issued” until the commission has ruled (within two months after the announcement of results).

Blame, deprivation of mention, ban on taking exams…

The academic disciplinary committee will rule on the administrative sanctions incurred what are :

  • The blame ;
  • The deprivation of all mention on the diploma;
  • “The ban on taking any exam leading to obtaining a baccalaureate for a maximum period of 5 years or a title or diploma issued by an establishment
    public providing post-baccalaureate training for a maximum duration of 5 years”, the ban on registering in a public establishment providing post-baccalaureate training for a maximum period of 5 years.

The student concerned also incurs criminal sanctions :

  • 3 years in prison and 45,000 euros fine for forgery and use of forgery;
  • Up to 3 years in prison and a fine of 50,000 euros for falsification of documents;
  • Up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 1 million euros for substitution of identity during the tests.

Any sanction imposed results in the nullity of the test during which the fraud or attempted fraud was committed but also the cancellation of any points potentially added by the jury.

Ministry of Education

Disclose topics in advance

Disclosing the subjects of the baccalaureate before the exams are held and substituting a person during the exams are punishable by 3 years in prison and 9,000 euros. “The same penalties can be imposed on the accomplices of the perpetrator of the crime,” adds the Ministry of National Education.

Cell phone detectors

The Ministry of National Education warns: since 2013, cell phone detectors were installed in all academies “whose number and location are confidential”.

The rectors distribute these devices randomly and ensure they are circulated between the examination centers throughout the tests.

Ministry of Education

The goal: to fight against the fraudulent use of new technologies. To avoid any misunderstanding, remember that cell phones must be turned off and put in bags.

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