She absolutely wants her children to have good signs; she organizes her pregnancies accordingly – Closer

She absolutely wants her children to have good signs; she organizes her pregnancies accordingly – Closer
She absolutely wants her children to have good signs; she organizes her pregnancies accordingly – Closer

Inbaal was not raised in a particularly spiritual environment, but she discovered tarot at the age of 20 and quickly fell in love with this esoteric art. She was fascinated by how the cards represented the elements and the compatibility between astrological signs, explains

Between us. Inbaal knew she wanted
a Pisces or Sagittarius partner, because they are her favorite signs and she thought they would be the most compatible with her. She met Sean, a Pisces rising Sagittarius, in 2005 and they married two years later.

When they decided to have children, Inbaal wanted their first child to be a Pisces. She calculated the date of conception so that the baby would be born on June 21, the day of the summer solstice, which is traditionally considered a day of great fertility. His plan worked and their first child, a daughter, was born Pisces.

“I never regretted his astrological sign”

Inbaal also wanted his second and third children to be Pisces or Sagittarius. However, his plans didn’t always work out as expected. Her second child, born in 2012, was also a Pisces, but her third child, born in 2015 following complications, was Capricorn.

Inbaal was disappointed that her third child wasn’t a Pisces or Sagittarius, but she quickly learned to love him unconditionally. “He is perfect“, she said. “I never regretted his astrological sign. He’s a beautiful, smart, sassy kid, and I wouldn’t change him for anything.

“A nice Pisces as I like them!”

Inbaal’s last child, born in 2017, respected his astrological preference. This third Pisces was born on the same day as her first child, further strengthening her love for this sign. “A nice Pisces just like I like them!” she joked. For Inbaal and Sean, this planning not only concerned their children, but also marked a large part of their life together.

Even with well-established plans, Inbaal learned that every child brings their share of surprises and unexpected joys. His unorthodox approach illustrates how spirituality and personal belief can influence important life decisions.



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